A Funny one!

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trogedon, Feb 10, 10:58pm
Would you do that! No, I don't know where he lives. Do you want to hook up with him!!

kazbanz, Feb 10, 10:59pm
actually dave theres some background to this story that even the OP isn't aware of.
Said idiot and his mates are the reason the Kids offroad days I used to run got cancelled,.
The background here --I got permissin from 2 very local landowners to use their land to run a kids offroad event. under strict conditions.
Basicly other than muddying up the land there could be no sighn we had been there.
We were pretty darn carefull. The track was marked out. the bikes were loaded and unloaded on a grass area so no mud was on the road or driveway. Id say literally hundreds of Auckland kids got a taste of offraod riding on lil bikes and quads.
That idiot and his mates decided they would barge on in amongst the kids as well as several days after the last event we were allowed.--Go figure the mud these pillars of society left on a bedding factorys driveway as well as on the footpath and the road meant that a bulldozer was put in and a trench cut across the track.

kazbanz, Feb 10, 10:59pm
actually dave theres some background to this story that even the OP isn't aware of.
Said idiot and his mates are the reason the Kids offroad days I used to runthrough kiwibiker got cancelled,.
The background here --I got permission from 2 very local landowners to use their land to run a kids offroad event. under strict conditions.
Basicly other than muddying up the land there could be no sighn we had been there.
We were pretty darn carefull. The track was marked out. the bikes were loaded and unloaded on a grass area so no mud was on the road or driveway. Id say literally hundreds of Auckland kids got a taste of offraod riding on lil bikes and quads.
That idiot and his mates decided they would barge on in amongst the kids and had to be "asked to leave" as well as several days after the last event we were allowed.--Go figure the mud these pillars of society left on a bedding factorys driveway as well as on the footpath and the road meant that a bulldozer was put in and a trench cut across the track.
Yep it was one of the same guys.

desmodave, Feb 10, 11:13pm
Throw him to the wolves then

gunhand, Feb 10, 11:19pm
I attended an incident where a guy was blasting up the rode on his MX bike, no helmet, tee shirt, shorts and jandles. Lost it it a bank flew through the air for a bit.Dead as he was.

desmodave, Feb 10, 11:23pm
If it was pissing me off they would get to know about it.You were saying he didn't stop so i take it he wasn't aware you wanted him to.No i don't want to hook up with him but you did claim not to know where he lives anyway.At least you got a laugh out of it before he possibly killed some kid.Have you ever though about joining the force, im sure they would snap you up in a jiffy

desmodave, Feb 10, 11:24pm
Sounds like bikes weren't for him

gunhand, Feb 10, 11:26pm
Well if they were they there not now. Only going a short distance to he was.

zak410, Feb 10, 11:34pm
Eh teacher, leave the kids alone.
Pink Floyd

rjgmjs, Feb 11, 1:21am
So the dumb arse was hooning up and down the street WITHOUT wearing a helmet. And who picks up the pieces when he slams into a power pole or a tree! Our over worked Emergency Services of course, naturally tying up Health Professionals who have genuine accidents and emergencies, to attend to.

elect70, Feb 11, 1:23am
Ya big wushe was only having a bit of fun, not endangering anyone elsegeezyour a real kill joy.

desmodave, Feb 11, 1:34am
genuine accidents and emergencies, or crashs

sabbath-black, Feb 11, 1:45am
yeah nobody ever died wearing full gear after slamming into a tree or power pole.

socram, Feb 11, 1:55am
What I meant was that no extra danger to anyone else would be caused by a pillock not wearing a helmet.I do however accept that if said pillock turned himself into a cabbage and involved the emergency services on the way, there is an inconvenience and a cost involved, but I think most know what I really meant.

The point is as kaznbanz confirms, these sorts of idiots get all motorcyclists a bad name and their total disregard and lack of respect for the law is more than likely to lead to something more serious later.Better it is nipped in the bud now by a police involvement than at the inquest of an innocent person.

As for those on about little Johnny playing in the street, that is not the issue. It is when little Johnny escapes when his normally responsible parents turn their backs for a couple of seconds - and it does only take a couple of seconds.

gunhand, Feb 11, 2:09am
Yes of course they have. But many have died in quite survivable situations whilst not wearing them as well. I can say that twice I was very lucky I had a helmet on in relatively minor offs. Or I would not be as pretty or intwellagent as i is now. Assuming an IQ of 25 is intelligent of course lol.

desmodave, Feb 11, 2:13am
these sorts of idiots get all motorcyclists a bad name .A bit like saying because he's a dick head he's giving all dick heads a bad name.I suspect alleged idiot! may well be known to our fine bunch of law enforcers

sabbath-black, Feb 11, 2:20am
agree.although i have a friend who came off his r6 on a slow corner(clay on the road) he went down a bank and got a fractured neck.he had the best gear but it was just the way he landed.no other injuries besides that

gunhand, Feb 11, 2:26am
Yea unfortunatly that happens, although now for a very reasonable cost you can get an air bag jacket that would have prevented this. technology a!

sabbath-black, Feb 11, 2:39am
.i think if someone gets that paraniod about safety on a bike, they should give it up

gunhand, Feb 11, 2:46am
I think being slighty paranoid and wearing a trick unobtrusive saftey device would be better than sitting in a wheelchair parralised from the neck down.
You cant stop all accidents as some may not be your fault but if you can decrease the risk whilst still getting pleasure from what you do well why not.

kazbanz, Feb 11, 2:52am
-point to ponder--what damage would have been done if he wasnt wearing the gear

sabbath-black, Feb 11, 2:56am
.he reckons wearing nothing would have made no difference

i-n-horz, Feb 11, 3:42am
Thank ferk'n christ I never done anything as a young buggar to bunch up the undies of the incredibly correct and law abiding do-gooders.well never got caught I should say.