hi guys how long does it take to get from welly to auks google maps says 8 hours but i think this is wrong
Feb 16, 10:12pm
8 hours is about right, more is you stop more often, less if you dont stop at all
Feb 16, 10:13pm
That's about right for an average trip.
Feb 16, 10:13pm
AA says 9hrs 25mins and that would be more like it if you take appropriate breaks.
Feb 16, 10:14pm
With rest breaks etc it would be fairly close.
All those little towns slow down the progress somewhat.
wises: 655 km (about 8 hours 17 mins)
Feb 16, 10:16pm
awsome cheers guys
Feb 16, 10:38pm
Less than 7,5 hrs for me
Feb 16, 10:39pm
Definitely--Auckland to welly is a reasonable 8 hour trip
Feb 16, 10:44pm
7 - 7 1/2 hours without & 8 - 8 1/2 with the missus in the car
Feb 17, 1:39am
1 hour if you fly and cheaper!
Feb 17, 1:42am
In the old days I could do it well under 6, wouldn't try that these days. 8 would be right.
Feb 17, 1:44am
bus is even cheaper. cost $30 for me
Feb 17, 1:55am
8 hours is doable, but that is a VERY efficient trip, travelling by yourself, with minimal stops.
For planning a trip, anywhere from 9 to 11 is more realistic once you allow for breaks to have a decent lunch, coffee, bikkies, take a dump, etc.
Feb 17, 2:00am
I managed 5:45 on my old CBR250rr lol. Poor thing never saw under 14000rpm the whole trip. I did it on Waitangi weekend in a 34 tonne b train limited to 94kmh in 8 hours flat from mt wgtn on ramp to aotea quay,one fuel stop in waiouru for 5 minutes. In general I'd put away 8.5 to 9 hours for a lesiurely drive in the car.
Feb 17, 2:18am
And 12 hours. Hahahaha
Feb 17, 2:36am
Also very much depends on the time of day, and the actual day. Leaving Wellington as the business day finishes, and every one is on what passes for a motorway, might add half an hour or more to the trip.Much more if there's a prang.
Middle of the night with not much traffic, you could easy cut it out in 8 hours. I've done it in 7.2 ish.
8.5 -9 in average traffic, with reasonable breaks.
Feb 17, 2:50am
7 - 71/2 hrs especially at night.less traffic and you tend to stop for fuel only.
Feb 17, 2:55am
Someone's usually come in by now to say that their grandmother could do it in her side-valve Morrie Minor back in the day when it was mostly unsealed in about four hours and you guys taking 8 hours must be a bunch of Jessies ! But I never believe that either lol.
Feb 17, 3:08am
whats this about stops, my 'coon can do it in one tank. Stops are only when the missus is with me (food, drink, toilet, craft shop, cheese shop, picture of mountain, itchy toeetc etc etc etc etc), Im happy to go straight through
Feb 17, 3:09am
and the rest!, I had to catch a bus Auck to Rotorua once & that took over 4 hours
Feb 17, 3:36am
Probably less if you leave SH1 at Turangi and use the western access route through Mangakino then follow the Waipa River to bypass Hamilton eventually rejoining SH1 at Rangiriri. Just sayin'.
Feb 17, 3:43am
Traveling I always think of meself on the scoot.yeah no need for stops if the tank can take it.
Feb 18, 1:21am
Them were the days - never felt sleepy either
Feb 18, 1:59am
^^ this. I used to drive a route that Alan Dick from Driver magazine said was the best/ quickest way from Wellington to Auckland and he was right. Nowadays just cruze it lol!
Feb 18, 3:30pm
West coast way. brought car in welly 734 kms miramar welly to papakura aucland 70buks in the missus mazda 323
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