Hi, what is the average price for tiling per square metre, just labour, adhesive, grouting and silicone !
Apr 14, 11:00pm
are you thinking about tiling your car!
Apr 14, 11:03pm
Probly, they did that on Top Gear once I think.
Apr 14, 11:03pm
nope, fordkiwis mates a tiler though and most people here are quite knowledgeable about more than just cars.
You clearly are not
Apr 14, 11:09pm
How dare you.
Apr 14, 11:11pm
sorry love, was replying to#2 but you snuck in
Apr 14, 11:14pm
That's ok love, I was just being an egg.
Apr 14, 11:20pm
ok, this is getting a bit weird!
Apr 14, 11:31pm
good one mate
Apr 14, 11:35pm
it be way to expensive to get it done if you can do it your self then that be it they charge a fortune its like 600$ per h when you see how long it takes them. If you cant do it your self then probably your best to get a good one and put up with what it cost, because if they are done shonkey then thats just it you only lay tiles once.
Apr 14, 11:35pm
dont know about auckland,but I charge anything from $45 to $150 psm depending on walls/floor and size of tiles
Apr 14, 11:37pm
I agree here. I have layed tiles myself and it is very easy. If you have the time, and inclination, and want to save some dosh, then DIY for sure.
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