Recommend a Christchurch meachanic

casho88, May 15, 11:07pm
Looking for a basic service, fluids etc.

And also there is no hot air from the air con.

andrea_w, May 15, 11:18pm
From the air con or from the blower!
Big difference

pauloc, May 15, 11:24pm
Lichfield Motors or Waltham Mechanical

cne_merchant, May 15, 11:30pm
Zephyrhaven, or something similar to that. He is a member on here with a garage in chch, if i am nt mistaken, and with a good knowledge of cars. Been following his threads with interest for a while :)

les6, May 15, 11:30pm
Listing #: 475805300
check this listing,the fellow is meant to be a decent mechanic!

cne_merchant, May 15, 11:44pm
Yep, thats he bloke i was talking about. Great bloke.

unbeatabull, May 16, 12:33am
I would recommend myself but Trademe probably wouldn't like it! lol

What kind of car is it! Some places are better one different cars etc. The heater problem you would want someone with experience working on the car you have

helsbels2, May 16, 1:19am
What sort of car is it. Can recommend Yukon Diesel on Edmonton Rd, Hornby don't just do diesels

zephyrheaven, May 16, 2:06am
Shucks - thanks

cne_merchant, May 16, 3:15am
Lol :) no probs :) seen enough of your threads over a few years. Well enough to know that you know what you're talking about :) aaaaaaaannnnnd we had an argument 3-4 years ago.lmao ) in the old classic ford vs holden thread. You reckoned you had a windsor (sp!) in your garage, that was faster than my, yeah,i remember >:)

cne_merchant, May 16, 3:17am
By the way Zeph, you reckon you could give the op of Help Please thread an advice! :)

zephyrheaven, May 16, 3:36am
Im glad you do - I dont remember what I did today Ha ha Cheers

snoopy221, May 16, 3:42am
Christchurch meachanic
A me ak.nick.
mmkay and one dat noes subbies.(Link above).mmkay.

bushells, May 16, 3:06pm
Have a look on the MTA web site under 'Find a Member'

gman35, May 16, 3:45pm
Not a huge amount of info re: model etc mate for an accurate recc. , but Almond Automotive is good , would prob pay to enquire re : the aircon first etc. though

casho88, May 16, 6:25pm
its a subaru leagacy station wagon, 2.5l. The heating pipes are not connected (when the car was purchased they were not connected but only realised a few months after). I am thinking the heating was disconnected for a reason. Anybody has a suggestion!

davedave, May 16, 7:02pm
Sometimes disconnected if heater core is leaking. Big job if that is the case.

johnf_456, May 16, 10:02pm
Generally disconnected if it has a leak and sad to say. Its a dash out job to replace one.

hijacka, May 16, 10:10pm
The heater core is probably got a leak. check under the carpet for any signs of leaking, most tend to dibble down the passenger side. Very common for them to crack after headgasket problem as they can't handle to much pressure and heat being alloy core and all.
See Subaru wrex city end of tuam st for a secondhand replacement.

casho88, May 22, 2:40am
From both, there's no heat in the car at all. From research and a few other comments, i've been told the heater core could be cracked!

casho88, May 22, 2:43am
Its a subaru legacy 2.5l station wagon.

gj0502, May 22, 4:14am
Go see Tony at RDL Performance, really nice guy and knows Subaru's inside and out and has a very reasonable rate.