The greatest ever toy for the boys.!

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rsr72, Aug 6, 5:20am

friendly_prawn, Aug 6, 5:23am
An old car transporter!
Hmmm, would much rather have this.!SaleCode=MO12&CarID=r144

the-lada-dude, Aug 6, 5:24am
gee wizz, that's just amazing !

zephyrheaven, Aug 6, 5:25am
Just put both of em together - when suits to pick up!

attitudedesignz, Aug 6, 5:28am
I've always liked the old transporters.

F_P, so you want a Lola!

thejazzpianoma, Aug 6, 5:29am
Clearly even the Shelby race team understood that if you want to get your Ford to the track on time and in style. you take it on the back of a Fiat.

friendly_prawn, Aug 6, 5:31am
God check out the price of the gt40
$2,300,000-$2,700,000 US

friendly_prawn, Aug 6, 5:32am
Lola! uhmmm when your as ugly as me, you cant afford to be fussy mate. And Lola sounds like a cool name.
Is she free Friday night!

attitudedesignz, Aug 6, 5:42am
C'mon f_p, it's a Lola not a Ford.

un_known, Aug 6, 5:44am
She walks like a woman but talks like a man

friendly_prawn, Aug 6, 5:50am
Lola! Ford!Dont make much diff to me. It's still kewl.
Hell, It could be built by VW andcalled a skoda for all I care.I would still want one. :-)

"The Lola proposal was chosen, since Lola had used a Ford V8 engine in their mid-engined Lola Mk 6 (also known as Lola GT). It was one of the most advanced racing cars of the time, and made a noted performance in Le Mans 1963, even though the car did not finish, due to low gearing and so revving out on the Mulsanne Straight. However, Eric Broadley, Lola Cars' owner and chief designer, agreed on a short-term personal contribution to the project without involving Lola Cars.

The agreement with Broadley included a one-year collaboration between Ford and Broadley, and the sale of the two Lola Mk 6 chassis built to Ford. To form the development team, Ford also hired the ex-Aston Martin team manager John Wyer. Ford Motor Co. engineer Roy Lunn was sent to England; he had designed the mid-engined Mustang I concept car powered by a 1.7 litre V4. Despite the small engine of the Mustang I, Lunn was the only Dearborn engineer to have some experience with a mid-engined car.

Overseen by Harley Copp, the team of Broadley, Lunn and Wyer began working on the new car at the Lola Factory in Bromley. At the end of 1963 the team moved to Slough, near Heathrow airport. Ford then established Ford Advanced Vehicles Ltd, a new subsidiary under the direction of Wyer, to manage the project"

sifty, Aug 6, 7:23am
I just had a wee dribble looking at that.

rsr72, Aug 6, 9:57am

solarboy, Aug 6, 12:07pm
Yes, a British Leyland powered Fiat .

snoopy221, Aug 6, 12:43pm
LOLA.l.o.l.a lola
She walked liikie a womanz BUT TALKED LIKE A MAN.
(And the song was from the *Kinks*)

Tranny sporter i lyke it.LOL

gman35, Aug 6, 9:11pm
That transporter sure is mint though ay !! Look at the interior.

jason18, Aug 7, 2:58am
there is no titties. Im all for wheels but we need some boobs too!

friendly_prawn, Aug 7, 3:06am
mmmm melons. Yeah, gotta have melons.

sr2, Aug 7, 3:07am
You share my thoughts entirely, it??

flitt, Aug 7, 3:11am
Are we taking 'picks'!

I'll have this then. Wrong color mind. Needs to be silver.!SaleCode=MO12&CarID=r226&fc=0

splinter67, Aug 7, 3:25am
Its alright but still no melons oh well the mrs is home soon I will look at hers lol

friendly_prawn, Aug 7, 3:26am
why not just turn this thread in to a dream car thread.

Here's mine. yeehaaaaa,

bellky, Aug 7, 3:27am
That's^ ugly looking.

friendly_prawn, Aug 7, 3:29am
Jason's suggestion.
Hes gotta post em first.Come on J, we're all waiting on yah bud.
Boobies! Bring em on Jason!

attitudedesignz, Aug 7, 3:33am
Pic' #1 even shows how much of a d*ck you'd look driving it f_p, see the green prickly thing in background.