Best place in Auckland that i supply

shorebee, Aug 19, 11:08pm
looking to have a towbar fitted on my 07 sonata

mantagsi, Aug 20, 12:12am
Try Best Bars - don't know if they are any good but seen a heap of cars with their bars on so might be OK, Aug 20, 12:34am
north shore mufflers a nd tow bars barrys pt rd

xs1100, Aug 20, 12:35am
2nd good guys

kazbanz, Aug 20, 2:17am
thirded--good product at fair prices

tuttyclan, Aug 20, 4:27am
My Mechanic in Manukau fitted a geniune Honda towbar with wiring which I bought second hand onto my 1997 Accord for $120 labour. Towbar cost me $100.All up was $220 compared to the $800 Honda and Best Bars wanted and they will only supply new and fit .