Lower Hutt/Wellington people please help

bitchwitattitud, Oct 4, 4:30am
Hi everyone my friends dads ute has been stolen from queensgate car park tonight (thursday 4 oct) as sucky as it is about the ute going missing their golden labrador Sam was in the back seat and is missing too! Sam was wearing a chain and green tag he's about 7 years old and is a very yellow golden colour

its a blue hilux double cab 95 - 96 model (#plate SRL1463) also a 'MOREFM' bumper stickker at the back.

PLEASE if anyone can help or has any info that might help get sam back please leave a message on here so we can get in touch Hopefully the dickheads that stole the ute let him out when they took it.


bitchwitattitud, Oct 4, 5:01am
whoops just realised the number plate has too many letters, will get the right digits and post on here again tomorrow

greta29, Oct 4, 5:45am
suxs to hear that i hope they did let dog out and has a safe return

n1smo_gtir, Oct 4, 5:50am

n1smo_gtir, Oct 4, 5:52am
Pic on car jam shows a red one but op says blue so must be blue version. Searched via elimination. L n 1 can often get mixed up.

fordkiwi27, Oct 4, 1:25pm
check around pomare area. always cars ending up around there,

brapbrappy, Oct 4, 7:24pm
Funny I noticed a similar ute with a dog in it parked for several hoursbehind the ANZ bank in Queens Drive a few days ago. This was a towaway area. Thought it a bit tough on the dog at the time. Perhaps its been towed for overparking. Queensgate has a limit and is also tough on people who park and go elsewhere.like the TAB

bitchwitattitud, Oct 4, 11:47pm
hey everyone, still no sign of sam and the ute, it is blue im waiting for my friend to get back to me with the correct number plate. I think in queensgate they clamp not tow! were really hoping they did let the dog out and hes just taking himself for a little walk. Would hate to think it got stolen for the dog :(

bitchwitattitud, Oct 6, 1:34am

A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to everyone who has passed on the info to others and for all your awesome support and bumping the thread. He and the ute was found and poor sam was very hungry thirsty and in need of some big cuddles!

His family are sooooo happy to have him home and so grateful for everyones involvement x