Auckland's new double decker bus

solarboy, Mar 6, 4:21am

$70,000 ! Got to be wrong! But if not, I'll have one !:-)

whqqsh, Mar 6, 10:34am
with all the technology theyve got nowadays they ended up welding a rough ar5e angle iron frame on top of an old bus to see if it would hit anything when doing trials around the streets a few months ago

dr.doolittle, Mar 6, 2:02pm
If Brown's got anything to do with it, you can be sure there's at least one zero missing + the ongoing top-up's.(excuse the pun).

intrade, Mar 6, 2:26pm
unless its made in china and has cardboard seating it be at least 700 tausend even a newtractor unit like a volvo is 250 to 450+ grand new

fiatracer, Mar 6, 4:35pm
tv news said 700k

rsr72, Mar 6, 4:36pm
$70,000 ! -Proves Lefties have no idea when it comes to money.

splinter67, Mar 6, 4:40pm
So people who right for stuff are lefties hows that work!

poppajn, Mar 7, 9:25pm
Not quite China, but they were built in Singapore.

casualobserver, Mar 7, 9:32pm
Malaysia actually.and they are 700k, not 70k.

bjmh, Mar 7, 9:40pm
see this on the same page.