Ducati servicing in Auckland

ian86, Feb 22, 11:59pm
Now that Haldanes have closed shop, where is the next best place locally to get the bike serviced!., be a good opportunity for the ex Haldane mechanics to start up their own workshop!. its where the money is.

pestri, Feb 23, 4:07pm
Hamilton. !

desmodave, Feb 23, 6:53pm
My be worth while contacting your local Ducati owners group or Bear's racing club.

desmodave, Feb 23, 8:11pm
May be worth while

drog, Feb 23, 9:57pm
I would expect Ducati would be in discussion with another m/cycle emporium as we speak.

countrypete, Feb 24, 2:45am
Ramon, one of the mechanics ex Haldanes, is now in Wanganui, working on bikes at home.May be able to arrange contact!

jancemord, Feb 24, 2:53am
I have just had this come across one of my facebook groups - sound familiar!

"Hi all Grapeviners, My husband went to work 2 weeks ago on a regular Friday, all was normal until he phoned me at about 3:30 to say he was coming home. he had been made redundant and was told to leave. we had no warning, this could happen, he got 10 minuets notice, No redundancy pay, No holiday pay, just GET OUT. My husband is a very highly trained Motorcycle Technician, He is one of the most highly train technicians in New Zealand, having of trained in places like UK Australia and Europe, He has decided to work for himself and set up a mobile motorcycle servicing and repair, specializing in Ducati's, Triumphs and many other brands of bikes, Please could you help by sharing his business card (below) to as many Friends as you can, This would not just help him but us, his family , myself and his 3 kids. Thank you :)"

edukidsnz, Feb 24, 4:00am
Hi all on here, thanks for posting jancemord. Jon, used to work with ramon at Haldane, he is factory trained on ducati's, you may know him.