Auckland - Do you need 50/50 anti-freeze ?

wifiabc, Mar 27, 1:34am
In Auckland region, is it important to have 50/50 anti-freeze/water in the radiator!
Got this from internet:
Freezing Boiling
Pure Water:0 C-100 C
50/50 mix :-37 C - 106 C
70 Antifreeze/30 mix:-55 C- 113 C

Does this mean that it should be OK to top up with water !In Auckland we don't have water freezing in our residential water pipes, so I suppose it shouldn't cause any problems in our cars!

icemans1, Mar 27, 1:39am
anti freeze helps to prevent corrosion

mm12345, Mar 27, 1:42am
No,You need antifreeze not just for freezing point, but for the corrosion inhibitors.You should see what happens to a modern engine when an owner keeps topping up the header tank with water.It's not pretty.

daryl14, Mar 27, 1:44am
Yeah, cars that don't have anti freeze in them don't last very long until the cooling system fails very expensively. Don't be a cheap skate.

Topping up with half a litre of water between services, sure. But if it's losing coolant you have bigger problems to deal with.

spottie, Mar 27, 3:37am
Antifreeze also raises the boiling point as well, doesn't have to be cold to need it

meathead_timaru, Mar 27, 6:11am
No, corrosion inhibitor prevents corrosion - anti-freeze raises the boiling point and lowers the freezing point of teh water in the cooling system. They're not the same thing, but almost all coolants have both. However, you can get just a corrosion inhibitor.

doug207, Mar 27, 1:44pm
I knew you'd be in to say that.
Hair splitting is delicate work eh!

meathead_timaru, Mar 27, 2:55pm
Sure you did. It's work that wouldn't need doing if people were more concise though.

intrade, Mar 27, 3:48pm
only corrosion inhibitor is just as expensive as propper antyfreeze. you might save 2$ if your in luck as almost no one stocks just corrosion inhibitor. i know i had to specially order some for my central heating unit . plus when you finally saved your 2$ you deside in juli to drive up mount ruapehu to show your kids the snow and 8h later the car wont turn over because the block has frozen the waterpump solid and blowen your frostplugs out. but hey you saved 2$ dont forget .

mopsy3, Mar 27, 4:25pm
Not to mention predictable.

phillip.weston, Mar 27, 5:32pm
I would just run a 33% ratio to be honest. I've always only done 1/3rd even in the central north island close to the mountains - no issues with freezing, boiling or corrosion.

therafter1, Mar 27, 6:28pm
Accusing people of being hair splitters appears to be the current rage in here, maybe some people don??

NZTools, Mar 27, 6:49pm
You've used too many exclamation marks :p

therafter1, Mar 27, 6:54pm
Ammo for anti splitters, or in other words, good old fashioned troll bait lol

icemans1, Mar 27, 11:04pm
meathead is ALWAYS right

bellky, Mar 27, 11:06pm
Yep usually is. good poster.