Auckland to Tauranga travel time

bigfatmat1, Apr 2, 1:52am
What would be a approx travel time from Auckland airport to Tauranga This Friday? What's the Easter traffic like out of Auckland around 4pm?

newtec1, Apr 2, 2:03am
2hr 20 mins. Who knows what the traffic will be like,it will probably be bumper to bumper down to the coromandel.

stevo2, Apr 2, 2:12am
I always allow 2.5hrs to the airport. Sorry no idea on Good Friday

xs1100, Apr 2, 2:22am
I do it regurlarly 2.0 pukekohe to Tauranga,auckland motorway on easter Friday at 4.30 it will be 2 hours to the bombays.last long weekend for the year and everyones going to be getting out Is going to be crazy.
Quickest way down Roscommon road to Weymouth round about take 2 nd exit stay on this road through to takanini on motorway there ( mind speed camera after the roundabout on the straight there at Weymouth). and yes this will be the quickest route south

stevo2, Apr 2, 2:32am
True that.

newtec1, Apr 2, 2:32am
Yeah right. 2hr. 20mins with good run.

mrcat1, Apr 2, 3:02am
That would be about right.

kazbanz, Apr 2, 2:10pm
sorry guys but i'd count on a solid 3 hours.--at that time

intrade, Apr 2, 2:42pm
last easter i was going back up north and from the road toll tunnel 300 meter befor the tunnel was a traffic jamm and i was going stop and go at 40kph all the way to the warkworth trafiic lights . i would not go anywhere over easter + - 2 days before and after if you can

ian86, Apr 2, 3:05pm
Best way to go ?. Matamata way or the scenic route through the gorge.

peja, Apr 2, 8:13pm
A shade over two hours if you go past Te Kauwhata and via Tahuna/ Matamata and over the Kaimais, probably a bit longer the scenic way through the Karanghake Gorge. But on Easter Friday? I'd add an hour or two to that, depending on time of day. I go both ways regularly as I have relatives there

holdensorfords, Apr 2, 8:44pm
Could take anywhere between 2.5 hours to 2 or 3 days, even with the amount of traffic on the roads. It all depends on look, gender & whether you are using your thumb or your leg

gammelvind, Apr 3, 1:52am
Fortunately most of the traffic will be trying to escape Auckland to go to a nice place like Tauranga. I would still allow at least 3 hours tomorrow.

eurekarika, Apr 3, 1:54am
Check out the AA website. At Xmas there was something on there with expected traffic times at the various hotspots. It had recommended times of day to travel and everything.

upnorth, Apr 3, 2:59am
Tune the radio to AM 1080 and listen carefully to the road reports, usually after each 1/2 hour newsbreaks

bigfatmat1, Apr 4, 2:52pm
Thanks guys took me 2.5 hrs

gammelvind, Apr 4, 3:07pm
Well done barely any hold up.

floscey, Apr 4, 3:10pm
lunchtime yesterday , it took 2 hours to maramarua from mt wellington . 1 1/2 hours to bombay.

tgray, Apr 4, 3:14pm
Was that sticking to the speed limit?

newtec1, Apr 4, 5:49pm
I had a car like that once.Solved the problem bought a new one.

floscey, Apr 4, 6:53pm
lol, my shit box passed a brand new ferrari like it was standing still.

bigfatmat1, Apr 4, 10:07pm
of course it was

newtec1, Mar 28, 8:12am
Was it parked on the side of the road. ?