What to look for in a van? Recommendations?

andrea49, Oct 15, 8:59pm
We are looking at buying a van for our lawn mowing business. They all seem quite expensive and some with high mileage. Does anyone suggest any one type of van that would be a good one. Some are quite long as well so not really sure what we need. thanks in advance.

intrade, Oct 15, 9:33pm
where and how does your business operate ?
short range in one town short trips etc?
i would look at trailers for option also

frytime, Oct 15, 10:17pm
I vote trailer. Do you want to put up with constant smell of petrol, oil and grass? My uncle did lawn mowing for 10 years with a Tandon trailer. Very hard on engines because of constant sort trips

muzz67, Oct 15, 10:57pm
Drag a trailer round inner city?,, find parking?,and turning?,, backing out of driveways onto busy streets? . Nah.
Van with cargo petition. Better still, decent Granvia is half the price of a poxy tradies van and super comty and quiet.

kazbanz, Oct 15, 11:18pm
Andrea-IMO the best bang for buck for a lawnmower company is the Mazda bongo. its also badged Nissan vanette. Specific model is the Mid roof dual slide doors with dual rear wheels.--that means two mowers side by side in the back and all your trimmers /petrol etc in the front
An 07-2010 will be 9-12k
Otherwise for not a lot less you are looking at 1990's vans

monaro17, Oct 16, 12:03am
Yes go for a petrol. If you did many small trips with a diesel you will kill it.

franc123, Oct 16, 1:53am
FIL is in that sort of business, settled on a box trailer and just tows it about with an old Legacy wagon. Having AWD is more of an asset in some situations where site access may be a little difficult than a large cargo area. Using an ageing van is really not the most practical or economic way of doing it.

kdcentralni, Oct 16, 2:40am
Petrol fumes from the mower and cans will make it tough

3tomany, Oct 16, 2:50am
Without knowing what you will carry in the van I would say petrol containers and petrol engines with all the fumes will at best be dangerous if not illegal, you I believe need a ute or if money is tight simply a station wagon or suv with trailer attached.

andrea49, Feb 2, 11:23am
We have an existing car with trailer currently and to be honest its a bit of a drag towing it around finding parking. WE only do lawns part time tho to supplement our other jobs,,, forgot about the petrol smells. good point.