currently trying to find a decent 4/5 star car alarm. Can anyone recommend anything decent! Budget around 500. Thanks! :D
Dec 12, 7:24am
mongoose, been great on my car. Stay away from warlocks
Dec 12, 7:28am
any alarm is crap and will be disabled in no time by professionals. took me 2 minute to disable and start my car with a mongoose alarm. alarm went in the bin where it belongs. Only answer is a gps hidden tracker so you can go find your car with your shot-gun.
Dec 12, 7:30am
Correct. See as an example (no www in front of that).
Dec 12, 7:30am
yes, very good idea to invest in a gps tracker
Dec 14, 8:17am
Hmm my car has a Sony GPS receiver mounted on the dash. I guess it was for the factory GPS system or something. could it be used as a tracker somehow!
Dec 14, 8:23am
Do insurance companies offer the same discounts for an installed gps but no alarm!
Dec 14, 9:36am
Alarms are only as good as the install
Dec 14, 10:02am
gps tracker, id rather be able to find the car than have the neighbors say "oh yeah i did hear an alarm but."-
For that reason alone, I use silent arm/rearm and the car horn rather than "another" siren (which everyone ignores). When my car horn sounds off continuously, it gets attention!
Dec 14, 11:28pm
Dec 15, 3:07am
Dec 15, 3:18am
I have a warlock in my car and its been great, twice its stopped people from being able to start it, and love the long distance remotes! They come and install at your home too so you dont have to take it anywhere
Dec 15, 4:50am
For my customers I recomend the AVS A4 alarm. The A4 is a 4 star unit with battery back up siren and waterproof remotes--ie drrop the remote in a puddle and no worries. The other reason I suggest the AVS system is that the installer I use has the full police clearance. etc that I personally have faith in
Dec 15, 5:20am
When I installed alarms, I didn't have police clearance! Does anyone honestly think a car alarm installer is going to come back and steal cars that are worse than our own!
Dec 15, 5:24am
Unfortunately richardit does happen.
Dec 15, 5:38am
Can anyone recommend any good installers in Hamilton! :)
Agree with Intrade, car alarms are a waste of time. No one takes any notice of them, far far far too many false activations - which are responsible for people's indifference to them now. The ONLY time you should EVER hear an alarm sounding, be it house, car, boat or whatever is when there's actually a break-in. Best option! Get a really good immobiliser, and don't leave valuables in your car, or leave your car where it's likely to be stolen. The GPS tracker systems are a brilliant option as well.
Dec 15, 10:27am
AVS s5 with gps phone tracking.can turn on/off car,lock an unlock doors from the phone.When it goes off it rings your phone.If you dont answer it will ring the next 2 numbers that are programme in the alarm.OR.blackhaw- k.!.And how does a "police clearance" have anything to do with alarms.!
Dec 15, 7:22pm
If you supply or install alarms, security systems etc or advise people on any security issues in NZ for reward or on a commercial basis (i.e. you are doing it as a profession, not just installing an alarm for Aunt Mary) you must be the holder of a Security Guard's license or a Certified Employee of someone who holds such a license.I held one for over 5 years when I had my own business, but I don't remember if it applied to car alarms as I didn't do them. I suspect it would however, especially now.
Dec 15, 9:43pm
No license required when I was installing. I don't know about now; I don't remember hearing about a law change in the last five years!
Jun 12, 12:12am
avs and snitch gps
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