Rochester quadrajet rebuilder/tuner in auckland?

steves73, Sep 14, 5:27pm
Needing to get my quadrajet rebuilt and tuned for 308
Is there any place or any person that does them in auckland, preferably south.

Could do it myself, but i understand if someone who has good knowledge and experience about them, they are a good carb when tuned correctly

Most annoying thing currently is, when i leave car sitting for 24 hours, it needs alot of cranking to get the gas to start it.

patiki1, Sep 14, 7:28pm
You could try the carburetor centre,if its still open.
Or join the rest of us and get a holley

steves73, Sep 15, 4:18pm
Dont want a holley. Im happy with my open road economy at 12l/100km and city 15l/100 for stock 308 in a statesman :)

lookoutas, Sep 16, 12:35am
After you get it fixed, sounds like you need to fit an electric fuel pump for priming.

gunhand, Sep 16, 12:41am
If it hasn't got a usb port ya shagged. Unless you find an old dude with a screw driver.
I can't believe how many rough running older V8s are about. Never used to be like that. All mine ran like a dream. No hard starts, no waiting half a bloody hour for it warm up, ran on all cylinders.

yudasgoat2000, Sep 19, 3:38am
Since Rochester were a GM fitment, would the local Holden service agent not be worth a try?

jmma, Sep 19, 3:51am
They probably don't know what a carb is? (o:

grangies, Sep 19, 4:44am
LOL. They'd have to outsource it .

anarot, Jun 3, 5:33am
You could try Bob Homewood at Hitech Motosport, 69 Creek Road, Dury. Phone 2946001. Has onsite Dyno as well