Recommendations 4 van /bus to carry 15 -16 people

realtrader1, Mar 11, 10:06pm
What ideas have people got for regularly carrying 15 -16 people safely? I am thinking some kind of small minibus what would be best brand and model (Japanese)? My guess is it would be diesel with auto? Any thoughts greatly appreciated. Could possibly consider Euro but are they horrible like a lot of the Euro cars or better? Would be great if you can substantiate your pick / choice with clear fact rather than just mere preference. Thanks in advance.

dublo, Mar 11, 10:30pm
Without looking up the regulations I believe 12 is the maximum number of occupants in a vehicle driven with a Class 1 (light motor vehicle) licence and the standard Hi-Ace/Transit type minibuses are so designed. Any more than that number and you need a public service vehicle licence and a somewhat larger bus.

realtrader1, Mar 12, 12:07am
Thanks for the info.

Have just checked and yes 12 is the limit. So P licence required. So what smaller bus minibus would be a recommendation and what seating capacity would each be along with for and against? Is there a good say 15 year old Toyota and what sort of price and model engine cc etc etc? Cheers.

realtrader1, Mar 12, 12:08am
Now would these have the seating capacity for 15 - 16?

gmphil, Mar 12, 12:47am
p licence is for paying customers if its just family u should get away with ht licence

realtrader1, Mar 12, 1:02am
Not according to info I received when I rang the Trans authority: P licence.

saxman99, Mar 12, 1:15am
3 Multiplas should do it.

tamarillo, Mar 12, 5:54pm
What sort of money are you looking at? 12 seat minibuses are reasonably plentiful at lower prices, transit, sprinter etc. budget hire guy I worked with swore by transits and would happily by them with 300,000 km and get many more. He and a guy who did tours had horrible time with Merc sprinters of older vintage.
But more people needs more money. There is an up to 18 seat merc but it's anew model, unsure if you'd find older one.
Otherwise all the tour companies, kayaking guys etc use smaller Japanese coaches of older vintage. The kind some turn into campers. Mitsi-hino, Toyota, Nissen all make them and plenty get imported ex Japan. All our Diesel, one I used was auto, others can be manual. Don't know enough about them to say which one is best but if you need something that big and budget is low I think they may be only choice.

tamarillo, May 2, 1:09pm
I had a p licence, you need one to carry paying passengers but also if you are paid to carry passengers even if they're not paying. If the bus is free to passengers but it's your job to drive it it is still p license.
So is it club? Personal? Being paid?
Nz ta website has fact sheets on this.