Hawkesbay to auckland,car driver offered?

les6, Aug 10, 1:50pm
We have a car to pick up in auckland this friday and need to make a one way trip.Too late to get a grabbaseat and we never knew when the car was going to be ready till last week?not keen to give air nz $524 for a one way trip for myself and the mrs so maybe someone else doing the same in reverse?Clean licences and responsible drivers etc.Failing that we will just get a rental car but they are not keen on one way trips ,especially to auckland?I think I have a listing somewhere?

2sheddies, Aug 10, 2:18pm
Here's another consideration for you to ponder OP. A great idea for someone in your situation. There's one or two of these outfits I think, so if these haven't got anything going, could try another.


msigg, Aug 11, 12:13am
Catch the bus, cheap s chips. $40

cagivachick1, Aug 11, 5:04am
does your wife drive?

les6, Aug 11, 5:08am
yeah,she drives me nuts?

richardmayes, Oct 17, 1:33pm
Do rental car companies not do re-location specials any more? To get their cars back to Auckland?