I'm newish to AKL and haven't come across these before. Tan/Brown in colour, slightly raised and 3-5mm in diameter or oblong in shape, looks like some sort of insect shit! Car is parked outside and seem to appear overnite, each one needs to be washed off by hand. Can someone confirm what these spots are, cheers.
bee poo. probably getting dropped early morning. auckland is fairly well riddled with beehives these days.
Feb 1, 10:49am
Bee poo it is then!, cheers.
Feb 1, 1:12pm
Yep, Bee Pee
Feb 8, 7:07am
You could be on flight path to nest so try moving car to different spot. I was told they “ bee line “ back to nest
Feb 8, 7:42am
flight path will change depending on food source they are working anyway.
Feb 8, 10:23am
Don’t use Auckland tap water to water your car. Or if you have to make sure you dry after washing. I found this with the hard water water up here. I was getting water marks on the paint work. I just use tank water now.
Feb 9, 1:39am
Not much you can do if you are on the bees flight path away from the hive. My daughter has several hives on her property and neighbour in a new build close to the north boundary complained of bee poo on house, car and washing last season. Hives were moved a couple of hundred metres at the end of the season and problem solved. Apparently they always leave in a direct north path flight path before beginning their search for food.
Feb 9, 10:34am
Thanks for all the comments :-)
Sep 16, 6:19am
damm. i could have bet it was Gnat droppings. since the election there was a lot about im told
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