Poster 1, Another random thought for you. Be aware that the Golf GTI and A3 can be quite noisy on our course chip roads if the wrong tyres are fitted. I have struck this a few times. Its most noticeable on the GTI of course with the bigger wheels.
You don't necessarily have to spend the earth on tyres but generally something asymmetric with small block tread will suit best. Just a matter of doing a little research before replacing them.
Nov 18, 4:26am
Really!They cost US$5,500 in the USA, excluding delivery, excluding fitting.
That one may be slightly over 3K delivered but you get my drift.
Nov 18, 4:38am
Well done jazz, knew you wouldn't let us down (o:
Nov 18, 4:44am
Cheers! I do my best to serve.
Nov 18, 12:47pm
SO the 1.6 is timing chain, is that what you meant above! Assume 2.0 non-turbo is still belt (ie same engine)!
Nov 18, 1:43pm
Yes, to be honest I have never had a 1.6 but that is my understanding. The regular 2.0 is indeed a timing belt engine.
Also. the newer TSI engines are chain driven as well if that floats your boat and you do get the odd one come up at a reasonable price. The little 1.4 Turbo + Supercharger engine is nearly on a par power wise with the 2.0 which it replaces yet gives even better economy again.
I still don't go out of my way for a timing chain vehicle, I believe in doing proper preventative maintenance on any vehicle I own anyway and that means changing the waterpump every 100K or so anyway. Its easy and cheap enough to do a timing belt while you are in there.
Nov 18, 1:53pm
BTW, with the transmission service the DSG is great in that its easily done at home and you don't need a transmission machine or anything special. Just a cheap screw in adaptor (something like $50 online) and either a garden sprayer or some hose and a funnel. Only other requirement is a cheap laptop cable thats compatible with some free software for reading the temperature of the oil. Its really easy to do, and your results are every bit as good as any Audi/VW agent can do as they use the same setup effectively.
When I say its about $800 to do the big 4 year service at home I mean a COMPLETE service by the book right down to cabin filters, fuel filters, brake fluid, plugs, waterpump, cambelt, transmission filters etc etc etc. No stone left un-turned!
I think thats pretty good value wise as I can usually blow that easily on pretty much any automaticcar that sits in the "golf" segment doing a big service like that.
Give it up, its not even properly relevant to poster 1. Oh and that "one guy" has had DSG transmission's available on ebay for several years now. You can continue to try and poke holes if you wish but I won't be bothering to respond.
Nov 18, 7:19pm
I would put a little more money away for maintenance than the mazda. Nice car but be careful to get it checked out by an expert, plenty sad ones for sale.
Nov 18, 7:29pm
maybe the aussies are listening to you jazz !
top 3 sellers sept 2011 Toyota Corolla (3,593 ??
Nov 18, 10:33pm
Eh!It's perfectly relevant to poster #1. Many 6YO 2006 Golf GTIs came with DSG, they don't have a warranty any more, and poster 1 should be informed that the dsg transmissions in these cars are time bombs.If they're wise, they'll google the obvious.
Nov 18, 10:42pm
Oh. so i brought the car. if the trans goes the warranty will cover it right! the mech warranty I have just purchased I mean
Nov 18, 10:43pm
Yip and when the Mk5 came out it was rated about that on a worldwide scale too, not sure how its doing now I havn't looked.
Every now and then a car comes along that is a real game changer, and the MK5 Golf is one of those cars. Its just we are insulated from it in NZ as we are so Japanese import centric given thats pretty much all our used car dealers have sold for the last couple of decades. That and we are a nation of used car buyers too. which is a product of our economy and again the cheap Japanese imports.
Nov 18, 10:53pm
jazz buddy. #40 can you help me here!
Nov 18, 10:56pm
i see a number of them around now , guess the jap import ones ironically are a good thing as they infiltrate more mainstream dealers . (even a dealer who swears off euro cars has one in his stock right now )
Nov 18, 10:56pm
I would say so but don't worry about the transmission, they are about as reliable as its possible to get in an automated transmission.
I hope you didn't pay a small fortune for the warranty! Good if they are free but not usually worth the money.
Your best insurance is just to service it every 60'000km like you are supposed to.
Enjoy! I think you are going to love it!
BTW, feel free to hit me up for advice if its due for any servicing. I am happy to point you in the right direction for parts and service etc.
Nov 18, 10:58pm
Yes, it certainly helps, we have more jap import Golf's than kiwi ones by quite a margin.
Nov 18, 11:02pm
only paid 250 a year so not too bad I thought, just piece of mind really, its a lilttle rocket ship! very nice to drive!
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