Ive always wanted an Original style V-dub.

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thejazzpianoma, Dec 9, 11:59pm
Thanks 1millie, enjoy your day! (one of us has to)

1millie, Dec 9, 11:59pm
HAHAI spat coffee on my screen!

gracey_lain, Dec 9, 11:59pm
And my work is done :D

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:00am
V.A.G (Volkswagon Auto Group)

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:01am
Mm hmm, you just keep telling youself that.

1millie, Dec 10, 12:01am
To be honest, this post really made me LAUGH OUT LOUD.
First time since April when my son (late 20s) died suddenly.
So, sincere THANKS to you both!

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:03am
Aww - sorry to hear that Millie. Glad we could bring a smile to the dial. And you're more than welcome to borrow the Mr for any car-relatedness (even if you have any VAG queries hehehe!).

Now, go forth and get thyself a car of awesomeness!

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:04am
Very happy to have brought a laugh after such a dark time. So sorry to hear about your son.
Sounds like another reason to give yourself a bit of a treat and change the car for something you will enjoy. material things will never make up for your loss of course but you have to find joy in what you can.

1millie, Dec 10, 12:05am
Why dont you live closer!I think we could have some great laffs!
Oh, and thanks.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:05am
What ever you do. don't post that in parenting.

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:06am
I concur!

Mr Jazz often wants to go for South Island trips (mostly to bring back more Fiats to the fleet) so chances are we may be down if he gets his way (there was some muttering about a Panda not so long ago. Don't let him talk you into one of those whatever you do!)

1millie, Dec 10, 12:07am
very true.I though after losing my hubby to the big C 10 yrs ago things couldnt get worse, but they did.
But I am hanging in there.
Just get lonely I suppose.Friends have dropped off along the way and I dont always have people to bounce ideas off (like buying the VW)
Many thanks to you both (and the other posters too)

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:07am
Ahahahahha. off I trot!

1millie, Dec 10, 12:08am
I always thought Pandas were cute!

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:10am
Actually yes, and we will likely be in the Alfa Spider too, might have to catch up for a coffee. always good to have someone down there where I can leave Mrs Jazz for a time out if she has been too naughty.

Although. that said she will probably be worse for it when I pick her up again. perhaps not so clever after all.

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:10am
No worries Millie - glad to be of help, even if just for a laugh.
Sometimes hanging in is all you can do, but once you get your claws in there and haul your way out things do get easier :-)

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:11am
They are!
(Guigario design I think!)

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:11am

1millie, Dec 10, 12:12am
Just starting to find my claws after many many dark years.
And if you do get down this way would be great to meet up and say Hi!

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:13am
Too late,I do believe I have a kindred spirit here (especially since she has joined the Multipla vs 500 debate on the correct side!) - think of the fun (and the wine, and the cocktails, and the glitter and such!)

1millie, Dec 10, 12:13am
Fark that is hideous!
Everyone will *point and laff*and it is soooooo UGLY!

1millie, Dec 10, 12:14am
You sound like my kind of friend!

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:15am
At one stage we had 5 in the driveway. I don't think I need to say any more.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:15am

1millie, Dec 10, 12:17am
What sort of man in his right mind would see anything attractive about this car!