Ive always wanted an Original style V-dub.

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thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:17am
Ahh yes nearly 20% of the registered Fiat Panda's in NZ I believe.

Those were the days. before I got married.

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:17am

Although I think you might need some glasses. Admittedly I wouldn't mind one of the new ones as my foraging/collecting mobile. But not one made of lego.

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:18am
I see. Guess who will be cooking their own eggs tonight.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:19am
So. 1millie. how are your culinary skills!

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:20am

1millie, Dec 10, 12:20am
well this thread was fun to be in wasnt it mr jazz *wink*

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:21am
Yes. no good deed goes unpunished!

1millie, Dec 10, 12:21am
That wouldnt be roadworthy would it!

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:22am
Where there is a will there is a way!

1millie, Dec 10, 12:23am
Beans on toast ok!

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:23am
Like that would stop him. I can see it now:

"But LOOK at it, it's a Fiat! And it has so many features! And I can drive it around our go kart track! And it's a FIATTTTTTT!"

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:24am
You're coming with me young lady - beans on toast are miiiiiiiine!

1millie, Dec 10, 12:24am
anyone would think he likes fiats!

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:25am
I never sound like that. its an extreme exaggeration. ask anyone (just not anyone on here)

1millie, Dec 10, 12:25am
and I always sprinkle fresh parsley on top so I have some veges

1millie, Dec 10, 12:26am
I think you need back-up lol

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:26am
I shall ask my Toytoa loving parents then. how will they answer. hmm. how about with a "we just went from a Toyota Surf to an Audi A3". Granted, not a Fiat, but still of the same Euroness!

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:27am
Pure co-incidence. I assure you, and a logical replacement if ever there was one.

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:28am
At least they didn't end up with a VAG Vulva, I suppose.

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:29am
Yum! I feel some lunch inspiration coming on!

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:29am
Ummm Audi are actually part of V.A.G.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:29am
YES! Go fourth and cook woman!

gracey_lain, Dec 10, 12:30am
brb. going to google

1millie, Dec 10, 12:30am
Great post for the top of the page lol

thejazzpianoma, Dec 10, 12:32am
Excellent! Sounds like the mother in law has just phoned. I will take this as an importunity to run. Its been fun chatting 1millie, have a great afternoon!