Vw trike

gpmapm, Jan 31, 2:22am
What licence do you need to ride a vw trike

whqqsh, Jan 31, 2:25am
depends on what its registered as

rob_man, Jan 31, 2:28am
Anything with handlebars needs a bike licence, guy at work got his trike on the road after about five years of building last year and the law changed at the same time. He was pretty pissed.

dent, Jan 31, 3:43am
ummm the vw trikes are genrally registerd as a ma class. Which is car. There for you need a car licence

sigvat1, Feb 2, 1:42am
the rob-man is rite for a new build ,as of last year all new trikes will have to be registered as bikes if they have handle bars.older trikes can and have been registerd as cars.you can apply for an exemption to ride a new trike on a car license if you can prove you have experince riding and can back that up

rob_man, Feb 2, 1:47am
That would be right, his was a first registration.

gpmapm, Feb 2, 1:48am
this is a 1995 built trike

gpmapm, Feb 5, 12:52am
not registed yet

rob_man, Mar 13, 9:57am
In that case it will have to be a newly registered, complied etc vehicle.
I think you'll find it has to be registered as a bike, probably so they can charge bike registration fees.
The guy at work said there are exemptions for riders who have a car licence and fit some criteria, you'll need to check it out.