Ripoff mag shops in NZ!

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guider1, Dec 29, 5:54am
Exactly. If I, Mr Joe Public who is an absolute nobody to the company in USA, can purchase at their RETAIL & still save $650 on 1 set of wheels; what are the big wheel importers paying for them. thus their profit margins are higher still.

guider1, Dec 29, 6:02am
Anyway, enough on this subject. I buy to save MYSELF money, not to make others happy when they're out on their $150k launch while staying at their $1mill bach at Pauanui.

lasertech, Dec 29, 6:07am
Its rather different for specialist parts as to wheels/tyres etc.
Unless you understand how the chain works, then its not really for you to comment on who and how much is a fair margin.
Ever bought anything from Michael Hill Jewellers! $1000 retail item often costs them $200 or there abouts. Is that fair. Its all about perceived value, and if a custoemr is happy to pay for the service of a company having knowledge of a product, a building to come to to view them, staff to help fit, someone to call if there is an issue, then there has got to be a value in that service. Do you buy petrol from the unattended Gull sites becuase they are cheaper! Do you feel ripped off when you pay more than you want to ! Do you even have any idea on the margin fuel companies make! Your argument is on one product in a market where they would make mayeb 30% Gp on the sale. Is that fair! I think it is. As an importer i make very good margin on some things, and very littel on other stuff, but i provide a service, back upand a warehouse , all at significant cost.
Feel like you should get a payrise next year! Better make sure your company is making good profits then. Or are you ripping us off!

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 29, 6:30am
If any business is running a model such as you seem to expect to be able to with impunity whereby you carry no stock risk and still expect hefty margins for little more than a phone call and a payment they deserve to go to the wall. I'm self-employed and handsomely paid for my skills. My customers are more than happy to pay my rates because I add value in a skilled profession. The same can't be said for the retail sale of a product someone else designs, manufactures and guarantees that you can get from overseas for a 60% saving with the same, nay, better backup service.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 29, 6:30am
Hell no.

elect70, Dec 29, 6:31am
Have to remember huge market in USA & many suppliersprobably sells mags bythousand a margin way less.Example, a bike retailerI knew went to China to see about importingbikes, wanted a containerload . The Chinesesupplier laughed at him, wasnt interested unlessbuying 10 container loadsminimum .Butbig HP race engines are another matterno onewould even considerbuying in NZ

lasertech, Dec 29, 6:49am
man you talk some trash, i cant be bothered even trying to reason with you, i was explaining how the new zealand market works, and we all want a bargin , and yes the internet is a powerful tool, but dont get on your high horse just because you feel the price of something is too high here. Do you own a car! Probably do but i bet you imported it yourself as you simply refuse to pay the extortionate prices. Peace out

trdbzr, Dec 29, 6:54am
I saved around $3500 in total by importing a car myself back in 2007, this was compared to buying private, even more saving if I compare to a dealer.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 29, 8:27am
What are you! Seven!

digitaltvnz, Dec 29, 8:37am
i couldnt of said it better myself ( and for guider1go and do a business administration course and then you will find out what running a business is all about )