Ripoff mag shops in NZ!

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owene, Dec 25, 9:28am
That's all very well but why pay $650 more for the sake of funding someone else's lifestyle!

cummingsra1, Dec 25, 5:27pm
Don't bother reading the whole thread, just pick a comment to quote and insert your "fact".

guider1, Dec 25, 7:12pm
^^^ What you've written may well be stated in whatever list of rubbish, but i'm telling you as someone who has imported several sets of wheels now plus multiple other car parts. no duty! Whether they're for a road car or a race car.
And besides that, you dont need to read the entire thread, some of you have stated "duty". no such thing on wheels or ANY car parts whether they're internal engine parts or external body parts.

guider1, Dec 25, 7:23pm
Here's another good example for you then.
It was cheaper for me to fly 2 of us to Aussie ($744) to bring a set of wheels back as luggage than it was to freight them because of their size. plus I didnt really trust a freight company with a $10k set of rims.

kazbanz, Dec 25, 8:41pm
--please quote ANYWHERE I used the word DUTY! its customs GST. which I'm sure you know from your vast experience is NOT 15% of the purchase price in NZ $
Lets just ask the question then -theres plently of number crunchers out there.
IF a product retails at $1695what is the gst content of that figure!
I rounded to $250 from the exact figure of $254.25
You as I recallfirst said $214.00 then recalculated to $221.09

franc123, Dec 25, 8:59pm
Actually there is duty on a couple of categories of car parts, some suspension parts attract it for example.There is a precise breakdown of what attracts what on the customs website if anyone can be bothered going through it all.But by and large no.

bjdw, Dec 25, 9:03pm
Some retailers target market is little turd-knuckles who don't have any money to spend and will be signing on for finance.What the difference in weekly repayments between $1k and $2k over 4 years!Not much.

franc123, Dec 25, 9:09pm
Thats about it really, they know they will be signing up for what they want and they want it now and bugger the cost.While anyone else with brains will be looking at the prices and importing them themselves.

tigra, Dec 25, 9:45pm
As somebody else said - whenever you have to pay GST, because the items are valued at over $400, you also have to pay an IMPORT TRANSACTION FEE, anda BIOSECURITY LEVY and of course GST on these as well.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 26, 11:29am
I didn't 'recalculate'. I initially calculated for $1645 incl. GST and using that figure got the correct amount of $214.57. Then I realised I'd used $1645 instead of $1695 and gave the correct GST content of that value as $221.09 in post #27.

bill-robinson, Dec 26, 6:02pm
Pay what you like for Bling. The price quoted to high ,don't buy, find another supplier. Pointless discussion .

guider1, Dec 26, 7:12pm
^^^ What you've written may well be stated in whatever list of rubbish, but i'm telling you as someone who has imported several sets of wheels now plus multiple other car parts. no duty! Whether they're for a road car or a race car.
And besides that, you dont need to read the entire thread, some of you have stated "duty". no such thing on wheels or ANY car parts whether they're internal engine parts or external body parts.
Well put it this way, i've NEVER paid duty on any parts, tyres or wheels i've imported.
GST yes. Duty NO!

franc123, Dec 26, 8:59pm
Actually there is duty on a couple of categories of car parts, some suspension parts attract it for example, its only about 5% though.There is a precise breakdown of what attracts what on the customs website if anyone can be bothered going through it all.But by and large no.

remap, Dec 28, 7:46pm
Whilst a few of you have valid points, what you are missing is the fact that very few of the new zealand retailers of wheels bring in their own stock.
most will buy from a wheel importer and then put their margin on the local buy price. This will cut the perceived margin in half (or at least shared). Fact is that no one really on here understands the chain of import and sales.
Ever been to Briscoes! Paid ticket price! Well wait a few days it will be 40% off or more. Clothes shops have 400% margin on much of their stocks, cell phone accessories, 500 - 1000% mark up.
Economies of scale means NZ retailers need to make more margin because of our lower volumes. Dont slam the retailers for trying to make a living selling wheels. Most wheel/tyre shops will cost 1500-2500 a day just to be open , Fact.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 28, 9:41pm
The point is. if consumers can buy at that price retail from the US. what's to stop the NZ retailers doing the same! There's no law against parallel importing. They could do it on indent.

If they can't make enough margin buying 'wholesale' they need to look at whether it's worthwhile even carrying that line, not simply jacking the retail prices.

peek_a_boo1, Dec 28, 10:47pm
also most places include time for fitting, balancing alignments etc in that price too.

rkauto, Dec 28, 11:26pm
ok let me use your reasoning to order my next lot of stock
i will pick on only one size,18inch
now do i order 7,7.5,8,9,or10 inch
hmmm pcd,l4x100,4x114,5x100,5x114,5-
x112,6x139 etc
noww backspace,0p,6p,20p,30p,35p,40-
p,45p etc
dished or not
black,white silver chrome machined stainless lip.
this is what the mag importers and suppliers to us have to do.I can tell you not many retailers will (or could)
And we should have the expertise to sell you the correct rim for the application ,my knowledge is worth import your own and its not correct ,bad luck.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 29, 2:03am
You clearly don't even understand my reasoning.

remap, Dec 29, 3:19am
Your reasoning , though flawed is understood, but its just not reality.
We need to hold 500k of stock to service what we offer, and it still could be more. How could a tyre/wheel shop stock 300k of product, when models change, sizes come in and out of fashion etc etc. They would go broke very quick. Thats why our model here is using distributors, as the name suggests, they import and distribute the products, store them , etc etc, then the retailers buy in what they need. The 'just in time' warehousing system suits new zealand. Farmers buys locally, Harvey Normal buys locally, Briscoes buys locally. Why! Because to make it work they need to, else their inventory would be at ridiculous levels.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 29, 3:38am
Really. So where did I say try to hold stock of every wheel!

lasertech, Dec 29, 4:52am
You didnt say it but you implied the store was ripping you off, well actually you did say they were fleecing you. My and the point of other clever people on here is that to make lower prices in NZ the retailer needs to be the distributor and hold all the stock . If not then they rely onthe service of the importer to ship them stock. Thus the distributor makes a margin , and the retailer also.
I suggest you move on , keep buying from overseas, but the next time something goes wrong, dont expect me or any other importer to support you faulty or wrong products.
If a business doesnt make money they cant pay staff. I presume you get paid at your job! Is your company ripping the public off!

rkauto, Dec 29, 4:59am
well said.

rkauto, Dec 29, 5:02am
actually op I am interested to know what you think a fair margin would be for a retailer to make !

guider1, Dec 29, 5:44am
Personally I could'nt care less what margin ANY retailer wants to mark their items up, but dont try to charge me that when I know what things cost, because chances are I can buy the exact same item far cheaper from overseas. and I dont make mistakes when ordering parts because I know what i'm doing, so there is no problem there.
If you're all happy funding someone elses lifestyle that's your choice. but i'm not so I shop around & buy overseas if necessary.
If I was to buy all the parts here in NZ that I require to build my new car I would be tens-of-thousands worse off than buying outside of NZ.
That's the fact!

guider1, Dec 29, 5:47am
The engine I am getting built in USA is costing USD$37000. the parts alone here buying through retailers are over $60k before any machining or labour.
Yep, that's fair. if you're a moron!