Ripoff mag shops in NZ!

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guider1, Dec 23, 9:44pm
I was looking at a new set of wheels for my WB Statesman & found some nice ones which are new to NZ. I see a mag shop has them advertised on here for NZD$1695 yet they're only USD$125 per rim.
Why dont they work on turnover instead of being greedy & ripping everyone off for them!
And yes, I ordered them myself. Landed & delivered to me all inclusive was exactly $1000. & i'm sure they'll be paying less for them than I did!

alan1111, Dec 23, 9:52pm
Same with guns bro. With the Kiwi dollar so good i dont see why others are not importing for themselves.
Brought in a couple of guns about 6 months ago basicaly i got 2 for what i would of paid for over here.

attitudedesignz, Dec 23, 9:52pm
So why not import them yourself!

$161 nz per wheel + frieght + GST + duty = !

Will end up pretty close to retail here.

sharchew, Dec 23, 9:53pm
Its called lets make a MASSIVE profit always shop around its the same with TYRES shop around

my3kidstac, Dec 23, 9:53pm
Good on you OP, sadly this sort of behaviour from retailers in NZ is far too common.They must be pretty stupid to price such items with such ridiculous markups when they know what information buyers have got access to via the net.Yeah we all know they've got overheads and that we should support the locals blah blah but sorry as a buyer I'm never in the mood to be paying 50-100% + more for things, especially car parts.

kazbanz, Dec 23, 10:26pm
$1000 is just fantastic but mm---
.NowHow much retail experience have you got!
Lets just go through the reasoning behind the $650.00 difference in price.
First --the government takes 15% of the sale price in gstsotake $250 off of the $650.00leavin $400
The staff you dealt with are paid -the only way that can be done is from the gross profitLets be generous -say $20 per set of wheels -now we have $380
The rent power,phone and advertising gets paid for out of the gross profit. lets say $60 a setso we are down to $320
The company pays tax on its Net profits at around 30%
So we are down to $224 net profit per set for the store.
The people who have invested in the company (shareholders)expect a reasonable return on their investment -if you put money in the bankdo you expect interest on your savings!
You expect someone to fit your tyres,carry the stock,offer advice
If there is a fault in the wheels you reasonably expect cover under the CGA etc.
I'm not being precise here but the end result is around $200-$250 proffit after all costs.
You see it isn't as simple as you make out

kazbanz, Dec 23, 10:28pm
But I betcha that bitwasn't mentioned and the op snuck in under the $450 mark by having 4 individual packages-Could be wrong but UNLIKE the wheel shops I bet he diddn't pay customs duty

ozz1, Dec 23, 10:31pm
well said kazbanz.was going to reply with same.op.try the wahrehouse or harvey normans for200 % mark up.every shops there but they dont complain.
yep shop over seas. and put a nz worker outof a job.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 10:37pm
Doubt it.

There's no duty on motor vehicle parts for a start.

US$125 x 4 = US$500 = NZ$665 @ US$0.77
Freight: NZ$200
GST (if they even bother): $130
Landed cost: $1000. Or 39% cheaper.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 11:02pm
Expecting and receiving are two diifferent things entirely.

I've found the US companies are actually MUCH better to deal with despite the lack of consumer protection. They will actually bend over backwards to provide good customer service. A marked contrast to the majority of NZ companies. I once had an issue with a replacement US made trim tab actuator I'd purchased from a local marine retailer for my boat when I bought it and it was missing one. After 6 months it leaked and corroded due to salt water ingress. The NZ retailer or distributor wouldn't do anything for me and in fact even tried to tell me it was somehow my fault (until I gave the pillock I was speaking to my business card and he realised he wasn't talking with a mechanically inept halfwit that he could bulls#it). But they still refused to honour the warranty despite my making them fully aware of the provisions of the CGA and that if they didn't resolve the issue I would be lodging a claim at the Disputes Tribunal. But before I did that I thought I'd contact the US company that makes them, Lenco, and tell them how pi$$ poor their NZ Distributor is. They immediately contacted the distributor and told them to give me not only one replacement unit but TWO at no charge and they would replace the units in the next shipment.

This is just one story of many I could tell you about poor NZ customer service - it's the default.

So you'll forgive me if I prefer to purchase from overseas with my money whenever possible and NZ resellers can sing for it. They're not owed a living from me solely by virtue of their physical location. They need to lift their game.

Needless to say I've never purchased another thing from the chimps above.

8_2_much, Dec 23, 11:12pm
why pay much more for something here when you can get it cheaper from overseas. when NZ finally starts to sell a product its overpriced so yes id rather save some money, wait a week, and get it in from overseas. most of the time you dont pay GST cos its less than the $70 in GST. BOOM!

attitudedesignz, Dec 23, 11:18pm
And before anyone says it's all about order quantity, there are only 4 sets in NZ, all bought in by Mag & Tyre direct, so there would've been NO bulk order discounts.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 11:20pm
Mainly because we don't have the population base to sustain it.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 11:24pm

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 11:27pm
But they're paying wholesale and those prices are retail.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 11:30pm
Oh, and volume discounts don't apply to each line individually.

attitudedesignz, Dec 23, 11:34pm
Will ask Jonno what the wholesale on them was and get back, bet ya it's still a loss once you factor in everything kaz said.

neo_psy, Dec 24, 12:04am
Plus, some of the US retailers would pay less wholesale than NZ distributors would pay - volume discount from the manufacturer.

It's the price we pay for living in a small country. Personally, I like going to a shop and looking at stuff, so I'll support the local guys where I can.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 24, 12:16am
Probably, which is why a business here would broker a deal with a US volume buyer to buy through them.

studio1, Dec 24, 12:28am
The issue of poor range of products here is also answered by 'small country, low population'.
Quite often we only see a small range of any product that is made. Retailers and importers will shy away from bringing in the whole range as in many cases, the upper end of the range will sit on the shelf and never sell. That's dead money and a loss they'll have to write off. Fair enough.
It's at this point I'll look online and see if I can source it from overseas.
I will support the local suppliers if their products are the ones I want, the price is reasonable and they provide good service - both at the time of sale and afterwards.
If I walk into a place and the sales people are too busy yapping to their friends, yapping to other staff or don't seem interested in me I'll walk out and never go back. It only takes 2 seconds to acknowledge the customer and say "Excuse me, I'll be right with you in a moment". If they can't do that, then they're obviously not interested in the money I have in my pocket.

foxdonut, Dec 24, 12:32am
You forgot the other important factor - the Wheels were in stock on the day. They could be had immediately. And they could be inspected so the buyer would know exactly what they were getting, rather than take the risk that whatever showed up in the post two weeks later was shit - and or stopped at customs etc.

kazbanz, Dec 24, 1:33am
No mate I diddn't forget I just figure its better to talk just pure facts n figures with the OP

kazbanz, Dec 24, 1:43am
tonyrockyhorror-- I'm not sure where you get your information from but your figures are wrong
15% of $1695 is $254.
ALL imports with a value over $400 attracta customs levy calculated on the exchange rate fixed over a two week interval.
A PRIVATE importer bringing in4 individual packages is below the cut off point for GST being applied.
A commercial importer will bring in container loads but of course they are not container loads of the same product.They ARE chargedcustoms.
Also you are assuming that a NZ importer here on the worlds pimple can buy as good -NO in fact BETTER than a large american internet based company
This is simply NOT the case. It has happened time and time again that the price a NZ retailer PAYS for something is MORE than a large americal conglomerate.
So you feel free to go right ahead and buy overseas-It is after all your right to do so. Myself wherever possible I WILL support my local community.

rotormotor7, Dec 24, 2:10am
only a 'rip off' if you pay what they asking

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 24, 2:45am
Oh, I will continue - thanks for your blessing. I won't purchase in NZ when I can purchase from overseas for much less until locals lift their game. I'm not a believer in favouritism granted regardless of merit. NZ retailers need to realise that many of them are operating in a truely international environment now and adapt. They need to lose the false belief thatthey're owed a living, a belief that is reinforced by people like you who buy on geographical location.

Enjoy being fleeced!