Ripoff mag shops in NZ!

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74nova, Dec 24, 3:18am
You pay duty on any goods you bring in and the pricks (customs) charge GST on the freight you payed to the American company to have them send the goods over here as well as the value of the items. Work that one out. I know,I recently imported an upholstery kit for my car, took 4 days to get it. But still worked out cheaper by $200 if I had of bought it here and didn't have to wait 6 weeks.

elect70, Dec 24, 3:34am
You guys seem to forget the retailer has tostore thempayrent/lease on abuilding & pay staff wages &make a profit. You expect him to sell them to you at cost !. Ive had this argument with people who sayrip off as can buy electrical fittings on net for 50 %less . I buy from wholesalerwho has to do all the above & then I have to make a$ too .Many internet sellers dont actually carrystock they get it sent directlyfromimporter to buyer

kazbanz, Dec 24, 3:50am
Tony--I really have no idea where you get your information frombut heck I bow to your intimate knowledge of the import tax system and how to run a company.
Eventually someone will come along who is directly involved in customs-perhaps you will believe them .
Myself I'm just some shmuck who imports about2.0 million in cars and car parts a year so what do I know about customs or gst !

waythe, Dec 24, 4:03am
I needed some diff bits for a bike the 2 bits from the local dealer ex japan $1900 and I then I need bearings and seals assembly on top of that,I got the whole diff gears seals and all assembled landed here in town for $423nz from the states the big thing here in 7 days.I don't know how the locals can survive competeing with that.Also classic parts not avalible here out of the states or England more than half the local price

tnt423, Dec 24, 6:18am
Its a global market, if I can buy car parts from overseas and have it shipped to me in 3-5 days and save some money I will, winch for my 4wd $1100 delivered, Nz price $1990, swivel hub rebuild kit $330 Nz delivered, includes koyo wheel bearings and kin pin bearings , Nz price $420 seals only no bearings, bearings were another $250-$300, Most of the time it takes longer to get stuff sent with in NZ than from the USA or Australia.

rkauto, Dec 24, 8:38am
you will find most mag retailers are not the importer.The makes and models are far to varied ,add into that the huge amount of different wheels makes ,sizes and designs.The mag importers are the ones who take the risk with exchange rates etc and we expect them to be able to supply us product within 2 days when ordered. I can tell you it is a very competitve market and the profits are certainly not huge as the op states.

evotime, Dec 24, 9:17am
surely someone importing a container load of wheels would save at least the 15% gst back in their shipping savings!
Whats the price per wheel to ship compared to the cost of a container load!

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 24, 10:11am
Given you can't even calculate GST, apparently S.F.A. Don't worry though. As that thread I linked to demonstrates, there are plenty of people in business that have absolutely no idea how it works. But, hey, you didn't even look because you already think you know. You certainly won't be believing this PDF from Customs showing motor vehicle parts at 0% duty. WTF would THEY know!

r15, Dec 24, 1:02pm
This is simply NOT the case. It has happened time and time again that the price a NZ retailer PAYS for something is MORE than a large americal conglomerate SELLS the product for.-its the power of bulk buying

i've been fed this one many times before and i have a really simple solution for these companies-simply purchase it from the US retailer, at least then your on the right playing field to begin with rather than dealing with a 'nz dist-ROB-U-tor'

cummingsra1, Dec 24, 7:32pm
I'll see your Factsheet and raise you Chapter 87 of The Working Tariff New Zealand, under Normal Tariff there are still lots of items attracting 5% & 10% duty. Specifically wheels for passenger cars would be classified under 8708.70.19.11J or 21F and would attract 5% duty ex US, but free of duty from China, Malaysia, Thailand and some other countries. There are also specific concessions for duty free entry of wheels as described in page 279 of the Consolidated List of Approvals

clangie, Dec 24, 7:50pm
yep,im looking at alloy atv rims,in nz $1600,ex usa $260usd + $295usd postage. even with gst,customs,exchange rate etc- wiil still save heaps getting them from the us

cuda.340, Dec 24, 8:12pm
when my mates car was stolen & when he got it back only the mags were stolen, so i drove him around to get quotes for insurance. Mag n Turbo would be by far the most expensive place we visited for a quote. we ended up buying thru Beaurepairs who were $800 cheaper than MnT. MnT Warehouse! yeah right!

guider1, Dec 24, 8:32pm
No duty on car parts at all, just GST. If you got charged duty then you got ripped.
And if you dont believe me then ring a customs broker. I've imported alot of stuff over the years with no duty whatsoever. I had 5 pallets of parts last time. zero duty!
cummingsra1. funny what you've written because amongst the 5 pallets of parts were 2 sets of mags & 12 tyres. no duty paid on them.
The wheels I imported from Aus for my dragcar also had no duty.

guider1, Dec 24, 8:39pm
kazbanz. I know about retail because I used to own my own speedshop where we worked on discount prices for turnover, not greed & have things sitting on the shelf for months costing money.
Turnover is what sales is about.

kazbanz, Dec 24, 8:41pm
--please quote ANYWHERE I used the word DUTY!
Lets just ask the question then -theres plently of number crunchers out there.
IF a product retails at $1695what is the gst content of that figure!
I rounded to $250 from the exact figure of $254.25
Yo as I recallfirst said $214.00 then recalculated to

mazzyz, Dec 24, 8:49pm
It's Christmas guys, sit back, chill and enjoy - Seasons greetings to you all. :o)

countrypete, Dec 24, 8:59pm

kazbanz, Dec 24, 9:00pm
[/quote] i've been fed this one many times before and i have a really simple solution for these companies-simply purchase it from the US retailer, at least then your on the right playing field to begin with rather than dealing with a 'nz dist-ROB-U-tor'[/quote]
But dude this is EXACTLYwhat does happen.--orauzzie or the uk etc
But as I keep saying the guy selling the stuff in NZ has overheads and costs a private individual simply doesn't have.
The REALLY sad part is that it becomes a totally self serving prophacy.
You bypass the local guy to save money as does everybody else. The local guy can't compete with internet based companies in the US.
The local guys buying power decreases as sales slow so the discount decreases at the wholesaler
So the local guy makes less and less profit untill overheads exeed income for too long and he's gone.
Who cares right! Its a global economy right!
But said local guy employs staff. Buys food,pays local people.
ARGG-LOOKits christmas.-YOU guys win -go right ahead and buy from the usa---they are such a perfect economic role model after all

countrypete, Dec 24, 9:00pm
Alright - $221.09

cuda.340, Dec 24, 9:02pm
being a private importer of US products for my racing program i've learnt one thing. NEVER EVER EVER use UPS. they have extra charges that the other logistics companies dont have & if at all possible use US parcel service. it costs about 1/3 of UPS & takes 2 days longer at the most AND it's delivered to my door.

neo_psy, Dec 24, 9:09pm
This ^^ - wheels are not specically "parts" as far as Customs are concerned. The general "Parts" concession specifically excludes wheel, I think.

There is a concession for alloy wheels for passenger cars - bigger than 15 inch IIRC. But since it's Xmas and I don't have my tariff or concession list with me (and I actually don't give that much of a rat's in any case) I can't be arsed confirming.

kazbanz, Dec 25, 1:43am
tonyrockyhorror-- I'm not sure where you get your information from but your figures are wrong
15% of $1695 is $254.
ALL imports with a value over $400 attracta customs levy calculated on the exchange rate fixed over a two week interval.
A PRIVATE importer bringing in4 individual packages is below the cut off point for GST being applied.
A commercial importer will bring in container loads but of course they are not container loads of the same product.They ARE chargedcustoms.
Also you are assuming that a NZ importer here on the worlds pimple can buy as good -NO in fact BETTER than a large american internet based company
This is simply NOT the case. It has happened time and time again that the price a NZ retailer PAYS for something is MORE than a large americal conglomerate SELLS the product for.-its the power of bulk buying
So you feel free to go right ahead and buy overseas-It is after all your right to do so. Myself wherever possible I WILL support my local community.

cummingsra1, Dec 25, 8:10am
The listed concessions for duty free entry of wheels are:
8708.70.19 Alloy wheels of following sizes; 4 1/2 x 10???, 5 x 10???, 6 x 10???986526J 10/91 .
8708.70.19 Alloy wheels with a minimum load rating of 1200kgs complying with NZ5419 or AS1638 standard of a type used for rally sport 995542K 9/97 .
8708.70.19 Aluminium alloy wheels 17.5 inch diameter, 8 and 10 stud ISO wheel fi xing with a minimum capacity of 2000kg for each wheel994759A 4/97 .
8708.70.19 Clip-on steel wheels with an internal rim diameter of 255mm or greater, of a kind used on all terrain vehicles 300283H 9/04 .
8708.70.19 Compomotive ???motorsport??? range of alloy wheels of a type specially suited for use in rallying or racing 995847K 12/97 .
8708.70.19 Four wheel drive motor vehicle hub caps 987091B 3/92 .
8708.70.19 Free wheel hubs of a type used on multi-wheel drive vehicles 988609F 2/93 .
8708.70.19 Go cart wheels 5??? and 6??? of cast magnesium and cast aluminium alloy and component parts 985099G 2/91 .
8708.70.19 Hubs, of a type suitable to fit 16 inch race wheels with 8 inch wide tyres 992729J 10/95 .
8708.70.19 Magnesium motorsport race wheels, whether in one piece or composite 996621J 9/98 .
8708.70.19 Three part (five stud) magnesium alloy road wheels 996508E 7/98 .
8708.70.19 Wheel balancing weights 301372D 10/06 .
8708.70.19 Wheels of aluminium of the following types, suited for use on Ford motor vehicles, viz;
Part No. Description Wheel size
8BGA 37600 Alloy Wheel 15???
8DGG 37600 Alloy Wheel 15???
9965 20655 0 Alloy Wheel 15???
9965 BO605 0 Alloy Wheel 14???
9965 B4605 0 Alloy Wheel 15???
9965 E9554 0 Alloy Wheel 14???
9965 J4554 0 Alloy Wheel 14???
9965 J5554 0 Alloy Wheel 14???
9965 30606 0 Alloy Wheel 14997687G 12/99 .

cummingsra1, Dec 25, 8:13am
Yep, "Chapter 87 Catalogued or identifiable parts of machines may be admitted under the Part II duty concession granted in respect of the parent machine. Catalogued or identifiable parts of machines which in their own right are entitled to a Normal Tariff rateof free entry under
Part I of the Tariff are also covered by this concession. This applies regardless of Tariff classification
Parts of general use
Electric filament or discharge lamps and tubes
Parts and accessories of motor cars (including station wagons and vans) of Tariff subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.90 and motor vehicles of Tariff heading 87.04 having a G.V.W not exceeding 10,500kgs302921C 4/10 .

owene, Dec 25, 9:27am
No duty - only gst on imports.