If you live in a city with buses, stay well away from them as the yobs of today enjoy biffing half drunk milkshakes and other drinks into open vehicles.
Jul 9, 2:27am
Merc SLK is good, hard top and a good performer, best of both worlds,
Jul 9, 2:40am
roflmao. sorry but thats funny
Jul 9, 4:01am
roflmao. sorry but thats funny
I'd forgotten about this thread. I can laugh about that incident now but was a bit pissed about it at the time. I'd love another convertible one day and it doesn't have to be bright sunshine to drive top down. I can't believe the number of people who never seem to put the top down. What's the point if you don't!
Jul 9, 4:16am
If you got pillarless doors, your always saying "dont push the glass to close the door. "
Jul 9, 7:24pm
Well thats Nelson for you - full of yobs and racists
Jul 9, 7:29pm
I've owned several over my 40 years of driving.They do leak and can be draughty so definitely colder in Winter (top up)but they do attract the ladies.In summer, as others have said, they can be very hot when stationary and you always have the issue of people throwing stuff in your open car. Some people even think its funny to piss into it.But the very biggest issue is hood replacement which can be hugely expensive. Hardtop coupes are now my choice.
Jul 9, 7:30pm
Convertable = gay.
Jul 9, 9:36pm
I have not so fond memory's of puddle splash and mist from passing cars on wet roads
Jul 9, 11:27pm
That was quick and thanks.
Jul 10, 12:29am
I owned a1303vw cabrio for 10 years and sold it for 19,500.00 $4,500 more than I payed. It made me happy, not gay.
Jul 10, 12:51am
Good work, although you misunderstand my post. I think that convertables as a car are that word, not the drivers or owners of them.
Dec 30, 2:32am
Can present and/or past owners of convertibles please help me with the goods and bads of owning/driving a convertible, cheers.
Dec 30, 2:35am
fun as. sometimes not too good sometimes when its raining.
Dec 30, 2:44am
Depends on the convertible.If you drive an MX5 people will think you are a hairdresser.If you drive one from the 50s or 60s people might think you are a bodgy.I know a bloke who can show you what its like when the weather is better,wind in the hair and all that
Dec 30, 2:51am
If thats a chat-up line its working, give me a time and we've got a date.you better have a convertible tho, not just an old 4 door 50's plymouth or similar.
Dec 30, 2:53am
goods---heaps of fun to drive. bads. Usually very little boot space,not plreasant on a horrible night (wetroof)
Dec 30, 3:02am
Not to be used on a hot day (if no air-con), as 5 minutes sitting at the lights can be sweaty, best time is evening 7-9pm, still warm and nice to cruise.
Dec 30, 3:07am
does the heater still work OK with the lid up on a cold day/night or do you just freeze, I'm talking about a mid sixtiesconvertible with the heaters and roofs of the day
Dec 30, 3:11am
sitting at a set of lights in a convert, with the top down, stuck behind a diesel truck is an experience I dont wish to repeat in a hurry.
Dec 30, 3:20am
the two triumph spitfires I owned in the past were fun, heaters working are a must if you are planning of hood down in the cool of the night, on full bore too, also warm clothing for upper body, scarf and if no wind, a cap. The hood up was drafty in those old things so always keep a jacket in the car. My two MX5's were brillant, not as rattly driving along as the spitfires were. My Wrangler Jeep was such fun, loved that the best, never worried about the soft top, and for pete's sake people don't slash the plastic windows - THey zip out so just unzip it to get in ! zeesh, oh,never keep anything valuable in view in a soft top, you'll be begging for a slashed hood, get a top of the line alarm if you are concerned, had one of those but you just needed to breathe on the car and it would go off (so annoying). I love convertibles.
Dec 30, 3:25am
Very good fun to drive on a fine day, not so much on a wet day but still alright.
No security at all, and replacement hoods after a knifing can be expensive.
Dec 30, 3:25am
oh yes, keep well back from cattle trucks, smelly buses, trucks, diesels, avoid like the plague, and in summer the sun can burn your head really bad fast so cap/hat etc needed and good pair of sunglasses also park your ragtop convertible in a better place than you would a tin top, goes without saying really. Enjoy your convertible.
Dec 30, 4:03am
Owned an MX5 for years, and currently own a Panther, I'll talk from the MX5 perspective but funnily basically applies to the Panther as well.
Good: everything Bad: nothing
Ok, I guess that security is a bad thing, there is no point locking doors, it just encourages the low lifes to smash the window (just inconvenient), or worse, cut the roof ($$$ and really inconvenient).So don't leave anything valuable in there.
Rain is no problem, I love driving in the rain.Yes you might get a little dribble of water on you if it's been sitting in the rain a while a little bit will pool in an unfortunate place and as soon as you take off it can drop onto your thigh, but that's it, the MX5s are pretty well sealed.
Heater in the MX5 was excellent with roof up, being a small cabin it is heating up by the time you're at the end of the road.Roof down, you can direct the heat to the foot wells or onto your hands, but naturally that's as good as it's going to get.
Air con in the MX5 equally very good.
Dec 30, 10:13am
eating fish and chips at the beach in the car with the top down, then going home to get the seagull shit out of the upholstery. lol
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