I am a qualified bike mechanic quads scare me but it's all the expeiance with the riders,this father will have to live with this terrible thing for the rest of his life.In saying that I was given a chinese copy to fix that because of the size setup and engine size I know it's way to dangerous to be riden small frame rear brakes only very powerful 110 engine i,m wrecking it as I know it would kill a kid in the wrong hands,I have a quad for myself my kids all have 2 wheelers as do I depending where we are going.
Jan 5, 7:10am
how sad for everyone involved. the father maybe charged yet he already faces a sentience none of us would ever want to face. and the family may face potently crippling legal expenses and the possibility of the (most likely) primary income provider being locked up or at least off work a lot. i don't have a answer for accidents.
Jan 5, 4:42pm
How would a giant Quad bike mounted slingshot do that!
Jan 5, 10:37pm
A six year old kid is safer riding a small Quad themselves with a parent holding a remote kill switch than being a passenger on a Quad Bike that's being driven dangerously. As said above, these little Quads wont cause much damage if they have all the safety gear on in a rollover situation due to the light weight and not much G Force unless they go over a bank. A full size Quad can and will kill you in a low speed roll-over. If you want to give your little ones a thrill, then do it in a 4WD or similar and strap them in. I??
Jan 5, 10:45pm
Ban alcohol thats the problem.
Jan 5, 10:54pm
Yes, so totally avoidable. All that was required was a plastic bubble, 100kg of cotton wool and the lad could have been packed away safely to avoid injury, sunburn and even earthquake damage.
I see your point but the simple truth is that many of us enjoy adrenaline sports e.g. quad bikes, jetskis, motorcycles. 100 years ago those of a similar age were doing crazy stuff on horses and bicycles and per capita the inevitable tragedies were largely on par with today.
Sometimes you simple have to accept that we live in a world where not everything is going to be 100% safe. Once you accept that you do everything practical to limit potential risk and injury but you can do no more than that.
Jan 5, 11:26pm
They aren't made for doing jumps more fool you friend
Jan 6, 3:36am
Yes. and smoking!
Jan 6, 4:02am
So you had your kid on the back of a quad, how are you different from the guy who killed his 6 year old! Thought you were quick to call me a DH, bit of self loathing from a hypocrite perhaps!
Jan 6, 5:20am
ACTUALLY--I think its utterly unfair to jump to HUGE conclusions as to what happened.Yea the roder in this case mighta been being stupid. Or equally possibly the quad dipped into an unsseen ditch or hole.
Jan 6, 5:32am
Depends on the quad, said it was a farm boy not a farm quad. Plenty of racing style quads around that are built for exactly that sort of hoonery.
Jan 6, 2:12pm
Jan 6, 2:23pm
what a load of crap i do believe bars like that are not advised for use on quads because of the extreme injuries they have inflicted on people , i think osh might frown on you for such a device
Jan 6, 3:26pm
Plenty of difference, I kept well within what I thought was a safe speed and safe terrain at the time, I did go up a steep hill once or twice with my son on, that I??
Jan 6, 3:29pm
3tomany is 100% on the ball concerning this terrible Australian safety device. This thing will kill you quicker than a 303 bullet to the head in a roll over saturation going down a hill. If the top of the bar hits you, you have the entire weight of the ATV and the G Force it??
Jan 6, 9:41pm
The guy who killed his kid in all likelyhood thought he was within his limits to. Your no different, ten years ago or not. Youve proven your rank of DH though your actions, Im struggling to figure out why you labelled me with it.
Jan 6, 11:18pm
Open both eyes, it does not matter what right or wrongs I did ten years ago, I did not kill my kid did I! I stopped smoking over 20 years ago, am I still a DH for giving up, the answer is no because I wised up. It is the same with not doing something so dumb as riding an ATV with a young child. I??
Jan 7, 12:12am
Can't say that I've heard of any fatalities from these bars.who knows you maybe right or just dribbling but there sure has been a lot of deaths due to quads rolling,crushing and trapping their operators.
Jan 7, 12:19am
Yeah could be tricky in the bush if you don't keep aware of your surroundings and what your operating.guess that goes for any vehicle and situation really.
Jan 7, 1:15am
i-n-horz the Quad Bars are a hazard all by themselves. Apart from being a weapon not a safety device in an event of a roll over, they make an ATV even more top heavy, are designed for Australian terrain which is flatter and drier and catch branches that can flip you off the Quad in forestry tracks. It gets way worse, Wellington coroner Ian Smith wants to make these and other ROPS (roll over protective structures) compulsory for new ATVs sold but also including (and this is the kicker) lap belts and helmets. Helmets are all good, but lap belts on a Quad. Some might think, well if you wear lap belts the top of the Quad bar wont chop you in two, true but I know of no farmers that will wear a lap belt period. The other thing is if you are belted in, your in for the roll & as your head is higher than the bar, how do you think your head, neck and shoulders will do! Apart from looking queer wearing a lap belt on a Quad, I don??
Jan 7, 4:28am
You and he did the same thing, took there kid for a ride on a quad. He wouldnt have tried to kill his kid, or ride beyond his abilities, but something went tragically wrong. The difference is, as far as we know, his bike rolled, yours didnt. Get one your name calling high horse all you like, but your just being hypocritical.
Jan 7, 5:12am
Top heavy: top part of the bar looks to be aluminum and would probably make a minimal difference in weight, it'd be common sense to know if a branch is at face level there's a possibility of it catching the bar and if it did the bike would most likely be tipped up and roll to the side and as for terrain it's more likely for a rollover to occur here in NZ being mountainous. The lap belt I don't agree with if water crossings are involved.looking queer! that thought was also with bike helmets,seatbelts,muffs while mowing etc. This clip is interesting: http://youtu.be/fbHunv6NNxI
Jan 7, 6:16am
-AND bit moronic considering you have nothing to base your opinion on. I think you just like to hear yourself rave, maybe your parents could have done better. I worked for years as an outdoor instructor both here and overseas, I have taken thousands of kids from the richest to gang bangers as well as adults in more outdoor pursuits than my knees care to remember. Mountaineering, kayaking, canoeing, rafting, caves, rockclimbing, rifle, pistol, shotgun, archery, motocross, tramps, mounting biking, high ropes etc etc. Worst injuries were a couple broke legs and a chipmunk bite. I volunteer every year and run hundreds of kids though climbing activities. I have a better idea (and formal qualifications) than most when it comes to risk management and kids. For the last 10 years I have had one of the most dangerous jobs in NZ, I know how to assess risk and look after those around me. Taking risks is incredibly important for the safe development of kids, it helps instill identity, confidence, self reliance and teaches them to look out for themselves. I support a father who takes his kids out of the world of ipod zombiesm and playstation, I do not support anyone who is reckless with other peoples lives. And in this case, we just dont know how the father was riding.
(excuse break in post, had some other stuff to do)
Jan 7, 6:52am
i hardly ever agree with mapman but that video is staged rubbish and i saw at least three controlled rollovers where that bar would have made things worse they are illegal because they are dangerouse full stop
Jan 7, 3:28pm
What part of ???ten years ago I did something that I know is wrong now and would not do nor have not done in ten years??? don??
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