It breaks my heart to see yet another child dead from a quad bike accident and another seriously injured. These are not toys and no way should kids be on them judging by the number of accidents even when adults are using them. How many precious children have to die!
Jan 4, 12:45pm
The parents are understandably distraught but this was avoidable. So very sad.
Jan 4, 12:51pm
My son (7y/o) loves his Quad. He has had it sine he was 5. It's only as unsafe as walking across the road or going for a swim at a beach. It's the parent's fault that kids get hurt, not the quad's. Did either of those kids have full motox gear on to save them if it all went to shit! My boy has rolled his quad a number of times, had it land on top of him more than once and he is fine because he had proper protective gear on. So I re-iterate.Non-sentient quad bike = fine.Stupid parents = not fine. I bet they don't enforce seatbelt wearing either.
Jan 4, 1:01pm
+1.Same applies to 2 wheeled dirt bikes
Jan 4, 1:06pm
And horses. Ever wondered how long that's been going on for!
Fun can turn to shit.
Jan 4, 1:53pm
Yeah, from 100 years ago. Horses, when will they ever learn!
Jan 4, 2:53pm
Why not discuss the drownings or road deaths of children or any of the MANY ways a child can be killed!Unless you swaddle your kids in cotton wool they are going to live their lives. How mank kids were killed in 2011 as a result of quad accidents! How many were beaten to death by their parents! How many drowned!
Jan 4, 3:07pm
My friend broke his leg from quad bike accident, it flipped sideways doing a jump and landed on his leg, and he is 23 year old farm boy with tons of experience
Jan 4, 3:16pm
Oh water is terrible as well. the suns a killer, dogs are just a step away from being a baby eater, Cant take them anywhere because the roadtoll is so high and because most accidents take place in the home its not good there either. To many diseases so better not expose them to other people If a child dies its a tradgedy. But if 1000 dont really live, our society is rooted. Kids exposed to risk and getting hurt results in better adults
Jan 4, 3:17pm
we were in a hotel this week with a 20 something lady that broke her leg on a step in the family home.-so do we ban steps now!
I cringe when I see parents with toddlers on those tandem seats on bicycles - it just seems like such an unnecessary risky thing to do
Jan 4, 4:51pm
i had one of these in my younger days, also a lead bar on the front to counter the extra weight.
you become a better rider by falling off, pushing the bounderys, knowing the limits. quads are one of few things now that aren't over-regulated, over-governed or over-taxed.
parents should ensure rider skill is up to the task of 250cc quad that will do 70kph in a stright line not ban kids
Jan 4, 4:51pm
I vote we remove everything fun or exciting, wrap the kids in cotton wool and stick them in a padded room. God help us we allow kids to be kids and do something a bit fun far be it that kids have some kind of life!
Jan 4, 4:52pm
Well said!
Jan 4, 5:25pm
Do be aware the child was a passenger not actually riding.
Jan 4, 7:44pm
Small low poweredbikes okteach themthoroughly how to ride them .Accidentshappen everywhereegbus driverbroke his armwhen he fell off the couch trying to avoid a child.
Jan 4, 9:46pm
Yeh - real neat in the bush - makes good wheel stands. One good point is that it stops you from going in there, hence could surely save your arse. One of those on my bike would've had me pinned face down in a bog. Instead I was able to keep the bike rolling right over me.
They are good in the right situation. For me - just a bloody nuisance.
Jan 4, 10:46pm
Well hang on a second, why don??
Jan 4, 11:55pm
Everyone I know who drives quads has had a 'close shave' (accident, not a 4 blade razor.)
I think they should make gokarts based on the quad bike idea, reclining driving position & roll cage & low centre of gravity. Maybe electric independant 4WD, no skids & grass damage & 101% traction.
Jan 4, 11:57pm
chill out mapman
accidents happen, and it is all very well to say that the girl wouldnt have been killed if she wasnt on the bike but then you could apply that 'logic' to every accident and then we would end up as lame slobs doing nothing because someone might get hurt.
What we do need is the attitude of safety when carrying out these more dangerous activities and doing all that is practical to reduce the chance of accidents.
Jan 5, 12:00am
nobody should be passengers on a quad fullstop at least the 14 year old injured was wearing protective gear and sounds like he was on a purpose built offroad atv,so this is bad luck for a kid having a good time,but the other!
Jan 5, 12:07am
every atv has a largish manufacture sticker stating "no passengers" just like most poison bottles have "do not consume"
Jan 5, 4:54am
I have done a several thousand hours on quads and know 3 people how have died under them. (one drowned, 2 crushed, none were passengers) The more things we try to make safe, the more dangerous people act around them. Three wheelers were supposed to be safer than 2 wheelers, quads safer than trikes. (excluding roadbikes I would guess km for km, 2 wheelers have less fatalitys) There isnt enough infomation in the news report for me to judge how and why the bike ended up rolling or flipping. He could have been riding badly, their could have been a hole/object in long grass, he took evasive measures to avoid hitting something. I dont know. Ultimately this guy is at fault, but we dont know if he was reckless, careless or just incapable. But this is one incident amongst the hundreds of thousands of kids that spent time with there folks doing out of the ordinary things and that came out of it with positive experiences. My kids spent time around horses, quads, boats, firearms and strangers dogs. But the biggest danger the whole time would have been when they were in the car going up the state highway from wellington to tauranga and back. Peanut butter is enough to kill probably one child in 100 in this country, but you cant ban or police everything to protect the few. We can do our best to manage the risks in our lives, but in the end we MUST be responsible for our own lives and the lives of our kids. Everyone dies, but if made safe enough, nobody would get to live.
Jan 5, 5:04am
i'm not into motorbikes and haven't ridden a bike in years, but, a few years ago i had a ride on quad track that a guy set up on his farm. not the easiest thing to ride
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