Eg civic trans problem please help

girlracer2005, Feb 23, 1:23pm
hi ive got a 91 eg4 civic d15bwas driving it to day and lost all drive (forward and back) once engine had warmed up was ok cold just taking a long time to find 2nd engine was still running no speedo the hole time auto trans please help

girlracer2005, Feb 23, 2:22pm
hi !

mechnificent, Feb 23, 2:32pm
The speedo might cause some problems but it will still drive with no speedo.

Have you checked that it has the right amount of fluid in it!

girlracer2005, Feb 23, 2:34pm
yip its full could it have gotten to hot if old fluid would that do it. it started to drive again when hot but seemed like it didnt want to stay in gear

mechnificent, Feb 23, 4:54pm
Do you know what the fluid looks like when it's new! And what it smells like!

If you get a bottle of trans fluid and look at it and smell it you will find out.

Then have a look and a smell of the stuff in the car(wipe a bit off the dipstick). If it looks a bit brown, or cloudy/dirty, and/or smells sort of "burnt", then the clutches have probably burnt out.

girlracer2005, Feb 23, 5:12pm
it is browny red colour smells alot like engine oil

mechnificent, Feb 23, 5:15pm
That sounds bad.

Time to get it to a transmission specialist for a diagnosis and a quote.

They should be able to do both for nothing or a small fee.

girlracer2005, May 20, 11:50am
yeah we live abit far away from one of those got it from a lady from the uk so not sure if someones put motor oil in insted of trans fluid