Just a query, I hada very loose fuse for the horn/hazards so obviously failed a wof when the horn didn'twork which I fixed with tin foil to tighten it up. Is it alright to do that or is it a fire hazard! There's also another fuse I tightened with tin foil a few months back and has been ok so far but is it dangerous!
Mar 7, 10:41pm
Tin foil is fine in a 250 degree oven, can't see why it wouldn't be under the bonnet. Unless you have a microwave in there! (Please don't put tinfoil in the microwave to test this, just warning you!)
Mar 7, 10:44pm
you could just twist the metal things on the fuse so it fits more tight
Mar 7, 10:48pm
thanks, a bit more peace of mind now, cheers all
Mar 7, 11:32pm
Iv seen Many British cars with tin foilasareplacement to a fusealtogether, so i dont see a problem with it
Mar 8, 1:10am
if theres a problem im sure the fuse will blow,which is its purpose
Mar 8, 3:17am
Wrapping a fuse in tin foil makes it what is known as a 'slow blow' fuse. It makes it so much easier to locate the cause of the problem. It will be directly where the smoke starts issuing from. Good luck
Mar 8, 3:35am
I've seen plenty of british cars without fuse boxes :)
Mar 8, 5:06pm
If the piece of tin foil moves around in there, it might end up bridging out one of the fuses, so that you get one or more circuits with effectively no fuse in it.
But rest assured, when the fire starts, it will be in the electrical component the fuse was meant to protect, not in the fuse box itself!
Mar 8, 8:41pm
What I don't get is why aren't you fixing it right in the first place!
Mar 8, 9:38pm
Agreed, the only correct use for tin foil around here is making hats.
Mar 8, 10:15pm
Can you put up an auction for one! I'm pretty sure the Martians are going to invade after March 20th, so always pays to be rpepared!
Jul 3, 11:53am
Do you mean the loose fuse! Well it was just a quick fix to pass a wof on my toyota townace (not a flashy vehicle). The rectangular shaped fuse was like a really loose tooth so I don't really know how it would be repaired properly or if it would be worth the money to fix it, if there is no side effects to worry about.
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