can sombody tell me why my flywheel wont turn i have just put in a new motor an now it wont move. its all bolted up.
Jan 23, 12:36pm
Auto or manual !
Jan 23, 12:37pm
Jan 23, 12:38pm
Possibly the torque converter is not in the box all the way. Anyone else !
Jan 23, 12:39pm
how can you tell its all bolted up
Jan 23, 12:41pm
Loosen all bellhousing bolts without removing them,then try turning the motor. If it turns over thats what it will be. You will have to remove motor again to relocate torque converter into auto correctly.
Jan 23, 12:52pm
lol gee thanks dont realy wont to do that agen but if i have to then i have to. how will i know its in correct
Jan 23, 11:29pm
Hi mate was the motor out of an auto or was it a manual! cause if it was a manual thiers a spigot bearing that needs to be removed first.
Jan 23, 11:33pm
Also, if it was a Manual, the Flywheel will have to have been replaced by a Flexi Plate
Jan 23, 11:34pm
Torque Converter will still turn on those old 4 speeds (I assume its a 4 speed) will just get no drive!
Jan 24, 1:37am
ea 3 speed auto
Jan 24, 1:37am
sounds like it could be out of a manual had it out agen today torque converter all fine just when all the bolts are dun up it wont turn
Jan 24, 1:40am
Has it got a flexi plate on it rather then a flywheel!
Jan 24, 1:43am
its got a flywheel its just when u tighen up the bolts it all locks up
Jan 24, 1:54am
If it's an auto you need a Flexi Plate . a Flywheel will not work. The Torque Converter acts as a flywheel amongst other things
Jan 24, 1:58am
its a straight swap one out one in
Jan 24, 1:59am
Hang on a minute, he is not just calling the flexi plate a flywheel is he! OP are you bolting the torque convertor to this so called flywheel!
Jan 24, 1:59am
You can not mate a Auto Trans up to a Fly wheel. It won't work. Plain as simple
Jan 24, 2:00am
He did say the engine was originally out of a manual.
Jan 24, 2:05am
no i said it could be out of a manual so the flywheel must be what u call a flexi plate im bolting it to the torque convertor sorry
Jan 24, 2:07am
So four bolt holes! From memory you do them up from the Starter motor hole, don't think the EA's had the cut out at the bottom to do them up.
Is the trans still in the car or out!
Jan 24, 2:09am
will the torque convertor turn free before the motor is bolted to it eazy as
Jan 24, 2:10am
ea yea got the cut out bottom trans still in car 4 bolts
Jan 24, 2:11am
Silly question, do you have all the gear linkages etc connected and car in Park/Neutral! Can you push the car back and forwards! (I assume trans is still in car and Driveshaft etc bolted up)
Jan 24, 2:14am
yea hard to push in neutral with motor out an now in havent touched trans just unbolted it
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