will that push the driveshaft out a bit from the trans to
Jan 24, 2:22am
The trans won't bolt up if its not in sufficiently.
Jan 24, 2:23am
its bolted up tight an true
Jan 24, 2:27am
So, at the moment, in Neutral, can you push the car back and forward or is it like its got the park brake on/in gear!
Jan 24, 2:28am
yea like its in gear but thats with an with out the motor in
Jan 24, 2:29am
If the motors out you should be able to move the car.
Jan 24, 2:31am
yea i should but there a nose in the dif now
Jan 24, 2:35am
but it is hard to push even harder with the motor in
Jan 24, 2:43am
hey if the torque converter not in properly will it move the drive sharft down in the dif making it hard to push
Jan 24, 2:51am
If the torque converter is not in properly it will stuff the oil pump up when ya crank the engine, and I highly doubt you would be able to get the trans bolted up - in fact I've seen someone crack a housing trying to do one up with the trans not sitting in properly. The Input and Output shafts are completely seperate to one another and the Torque converter would have no influence on the output shaft.
Are you sure its a 3 speed Auto! Is it floor change or on the tree! If it has 1/2/3/D then it's most likely to be a 4 speed
if the torque converter is in wrong will it push the drive sharft into the dif making it hard to push the car
Jan 24, 12:09pm
thanks for the pic jash3 not a spigot in there
Jan 24, 12:40pm
I still stick with what i said about the torque converter not being fully engaged in the auto,it will push the whole drive train along inside the box,so yes will show at tail shaft end,why not loosen the bell housing bolts and try turning the motor by hand,if it turns then the torque converter is not in properly,ive had this a few times and if you dont go too far you can get away with refitting it into the auto and then bolting up with out any probs.
X mechanic of 42 years here.
Jan 24, 1:20pm
Are you saying the car will roll freely with the driveshaft removed! The engine is locked up still and the car won't roll!
Jan 24, 1:40pm
Have you actually tried engaging the torque converter properly or are you hoping for an easier solution!
Jan 24, 2:46pm
Morning mate try taking the converter back out of the gearbox and placing it onto the flexi plate to make sure it sits flush and can you upload some photos eg: flexi plate,torque converter outand in the gearbox!
Jan 24, 4:34pm
Was the new motor a good runner!
Jan 24, 11:28pm
modie61 i think your right. i can have all the bolts in an it will turn but as soon as i tighen them up it locks up
Jan 24, 11:30pm
jash3 yea motor done only 140.000 x herse
Jan 24, 11:35pm
i never took out the torque converter just split the motor an trans.so i hoped it was still in place. so how do you take it out its in tight do i just pull it out
Jan 24, 11:37pm
So pull the gear box off and install torque converter properly or have you been putting it off for some reason! ( ."so no one realy knows")
Jan 24, 11:37pm
So pull the gear box off and install torque converter properly or have you been putting it off for some reason! ( ."so no one realy knows")
It shouldn't be tight. (to pull off) Sounds like the gear box is stuck. Either way torque converter has to came off to find out what's causing it to be tight (turning or pulling!)
It's quite possible the torque converter fell forward a bit when you split the two and isn't fully engaged without you noticing.
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