this is in wikipedia On 13 May 2011, it was reported that a New Zealand businessman, Neil Graham, the co-founder of Mainfreight, paid NZ$2.8 million. It is the only One-77 in Australasia.
May 15, 4:06am
Believe it or not I saw this on Trig road (by Whenuapai) on tuesday at 1240. Very nice looking car. The license plate was one77. The 'car' guy at work didn't believe me until fridays herald.
May 15, 4:17am
Man thats a beautiful car
May 15, 4:20am
Waiting for the haters to show up.
Would give my left nut for one, mind you i'd give that up for a DB9, Vantage or Virage.actual- ly any modern Aston.
May 15, 4:44am
The pro detailer who prepped it for sale did a little write up here
Why oh why to carmakers ruin their top models with LED tail lights crossing the body! It can't be that all people with money are that crass!
EDIT: I just looked at the detailer's photos and got arc eye from the interior. Perhaps well monied people are that crass.
Fair enough. They (and you) can have what they like.
May 15, 5:43am
Apart from the upcoming "Cygnet" !
May 15, 5:49am
Your left nut wouldn't buy a wheel nut!
May 15, 6:49am
Some people have far too much money.
If they need to get rid of some, I'll be happy to assist.
May 15, 6:57am
Just reading in todays O.D.T. motoring section about the popularity of L.E.D. lights.They're apparently trickling down into more ordinary models due to their popularity.I don't know why.I'd have thought it was another fad but apparently not.Never mind it'll be another twenty years before a car with those is in my price range so I don't need to own any yet.
May 15, 7:02am
LED's make some cars, (indeed all such cars), look like cheap blinged tarts recently escaped from a Romanian brothel.
Car makers are mad for installing them.
May 15, 7:10am
I reckon LED are far better than old vaccum bulbs. Well, unless they're aftermarkets on some shitty old civic or Rx7 etc.
They're safer for a start.
May 15, 7:23am
LED's are the future of any & all lighting.
May 15, 4:28pm
I thought Aston had just added flared guards, scoops and spoilers and fats to a DB9 and were asking $2.8m for it!Give me a V12 Vantage and save $2.45m.
May 15, 4:48pm
Those V12 engines sound sweet ay fans.
May 15, 5:00pm
Aluminium frame with carbon fibre body plus different everything else! I'd be very happy with a DB9 though! I notice the importer gave it a thorough "test" (thrash) up and down the motorway before handing over!
May 15, 5:31pm
Wouldn't be much of a thrash at 100kph.Not keen on the percentage of red interior either.Pertsonally I would have gone for a grey and black black maybe with just a bit of red piping.Customer chose the interior.
Mind you, I wouldn't have gone for black exterior either.
Still prefer a DB4GT Zagato.
May 15, 11:27pm
what a beast
as a halo car its fantastic
May 16, 4:48am
Vanquish S is still my favourite. 'Spesh in that lucid Jet black they were using a couple of years ago.
You can keep your Zagato's. All that guy ever did was ruin cars.
May 16, 4:51am
They will be in your home in 5 years
May 16, 4:59am
Although looks are subjective, I reckon the Vanquish is easily the best looking car of the last 10-20 years. Pure beauty. I occasionally come across the odd deluded rice boy who thinks the best cars come out of Asia. Just looking at this Aston reassures me how wrong they are.
May 16, 5:05am
leds are great, visible and stand up to the poor state of our secondary. well, and main, roads. stand out like dogs balls on a budgie at night, and last sooooo much longer. why wouldn't you!
May 16, 5:07am
I wouldnt mind any aston for the record. love or hate clarkson ya got to agree with his love of the astons. you want crass uncle! buy a ferrari haha
May 16, 2:14pm
They are going into new homes now, not just tread lights and feature lights. Very expensive still though.
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