West Auckland WOF - where to go?

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lee_vamp, Apr 7, 11:14pm
Looking for a WOF place in west auckland that isn't over the top strict, got an older car with some rust etc, which will probably fail anyway, but hoping for someone more realistic than the likes of vtnz. can anyone recomend anyone/anywhere!

a18a, Apr 7, 11:42pm
bog it up before you go for a wof

rob_man, Apr 7, 11:54pm
Like anybody's going to let any cats out of the bag on here and ruin their 'soft' WOF contact.
And besides, not in west Auckland. NO WAY. There's no dodgy warrants in west Auckland.

henderson_guy, Apr 8, 12:05am
Theres a testing station near the old council building.can't remember what it's called but it's where i got my WOFs done when I lived there. Turn off Lincoln Rd at the BP, then right again at the end of the road.

johnf_456, Apr 8, 1:04am
I think he just wants a common sense approach to the wof not some picky wof guys who is over the top pedantic reading between the lines!

johnf_456, Apr 8, 1:42am
Yes rules are but some some wof guys go over the top more than virm like vtnz since he used that in his example. Why are you shocked, yeah if its a fail by virm its a fail but it its over the top crap and unjustified whats the problem which what I;m getting at. Some wof people invent there own rules as they go failing any rust and being in the trade I certainly do know not all rust is a fail, Please explain.

Common sense in conjunction with the virm to spell it out for you, ie not inventing the rules as you go failing crap thats not a fail. Hopefully that spells it out enough for you

johnf_456, Apr 8, 1:53am
Yeah but who knows, none of us have seen it.

carmedic, Apr 8, 1:57am
But you just follow the rules John, there??

johnf_456, Apr 8, 2:00am
Yes in a real world that is the case but there is some inspectors that give me and you the proper ones a bad name. There is some cowboys that invent rules as they go and fail over the top of the virm on any rust. Make sure you remove that cotton wool from yours eyes and you may realize the world is different. haha.

We all know there is rules but not everyone works like that when we both know they should. Why do you think vtnz gets its name for example, stop being in denial. Yes common sense is not the best word to use with the virm and obeying the rules but I guess ill have to spell it out another way for you.

johnf_456, Apr 8, 2:03am
vtnz is one who do fail crap that is not fail, I have had a few clients with fails for shit that is not even exist on some cars. Like power steering leaking when in fact it has no power steering and the other dodgy west auckland outfits. Another one in denial !

johnf_456, Apr 8, 2:05am
I know of a few dodgy places that simply just check the tyres, lights and seatbelts from what clients tell me. So I do know they exist.

carmedic, Apr 8, 2:19am
I might be winding you up John

johnf_456, Apr 8, 2:21am
Once again you are missing my point twisting it as per usual. Common sense is in the middle passing pass;s and failing failing with in conjunction to the virm. Not passing everything solely or failing everything solely.

johnf_456, Apr 8, 2:47am
Well we did it take you so long to realise that what I was getting at my first post, saying about rules.

sr2, Apr 8, 3:13am
My favorite WOF story involves an old pommy ???mechanic??? I had working under me some 15 or so years ago. The guy was so incompetent that I had serious concerns about the company??

rob_man, Apr 8, 3:51am
Often thought the same thing sr2.

franc123, Apr 8, 4:07am
He was probably made an offer he couldn't refuse, don't VTNZ pay more for employees that fit their stereotype perfectly!

johnf_456, Apr 8, 4:11am
Very true, you have to keep that trap shut, be loyal and stupid.

pollymay, Apr 8, 4:13am
My uncle built a business on it, he is very fair. Owns a doorslammer dragster and has been racing since the 70's. His son works for him and has his ticket to. I have a weekend car with straight pipes, headlight conversion etc on it, all certified but VTNZ don't want to be near it. He passes it as long as I have good tyres that match the power I'm putting down and balljoints etc are good. If I came in on legal 175 tyres on it cause they have "good tread and will pass" he would tell me to piss off. Likewise if I have a parklight or something out he will pass it but tells me to get it from down the road right away.

Ultimately up to the driver how they upkeep the car, I do a good job and at any sign of trouble fix it at my expense so he doesn't invent things or try knock me back on everything. On the other hand he gets woman that bring their car in on half flat tyres and he won't let them leave the place till they fix it cause he knows damn well they would drive like that.

VTNZ however are just failed mechanics for the most part with no idea.

sr2, Apr 8, 4:16am
Good post mate; you hit the nail on the head, from memory the guy ended up at VTNZ!

johnf_456, Apr 8, 4:17am
Nothing unusual for his intelligence by the sounds of it.

mecanix, Apr 8, 3:12pm
there is a young fulla at the vtnz just around the corner from me.about three years ago he was doing a uni course and he came to me for work experience once a week.he lasted three weeks before i told him i didnt want him back.

he is now a vtnz wof inspector.and he seriously does not have a clue.
VTNZ are rubbish.

wron, Apr 8, 11:52pm
I went to the council one in Moselle Ave last week - used to be flat out but this time there were 3 guys in the middle having a very very long chat and no queue - eventally another tester came over to me - did the checks (it was a trailer) and found a rough bearing which was good as I didn't know, but he also agonised over whether the number plate lights - one on each side of the plate - were powerful enough. The trailer is a European one, made by the largest manufacturer in Europe, and it's never been queried before. Anyway, when I went back for my recheck, same thing, people standing round, no queue. Wonder why! But at least I found out about the bearing before it got too bad - bet not too many non mechanics jack up their trailors and spin the wheels.

tgray, Apr 9, 2:27pm
As little as 5 years ago, there was a place on ak nth shore that was absolutley shocking.
I saw people pull up and the owner would run out and just put a new one on the window for him. He never even looked at the car!
The Korean owner lost his WOF licence for 6 months.
Someone told me he's back in business issuing WOF's again.

zirconium, Apr 9, 2:47pm
Even your average 10 year old should be able to understand the logic behind "these people are driving on the road with me and my family, therefore i am in danger from my actions in passing this car." How hard is it, as the wof inspector, to ask "is this car safe to be driven on the road!" and go from there.

Good on your uncle pollymay. :)