Cheap WOF in Christchurch?

phil_boy, Apr 9, 5:16pm
Anybody know any open Saturdays!

rkauto, Apr 9, 5:40pm
You would get a quality inspection for $29!

johnf_456, Apr 9, 5:45pm
Some places you do, after all they are all suppose to obey the same standard theoretically by the virm.

kimbo88, Apr 9, 7:28pm
There are quite a few places in Christchurch offerring checks for $29 - $35 or so, and having been to both them and places that charge extra, from what I've personally observed the quality of the inspection is the same all round.I think the price differrential comes more from the competitive nature in a larger city where a good price will bring in a reasonably large number of customers.

rkauto, Apr 9, 9:43pm
At $29 assuming you are paying overtime for the sat work the avic will be losing money.Unless being paid a low wage ,carrying put large numbers of wofs in quick time or finding faults for repairs.We charge $55 for a wof and i dont have avi s coming in on weekends as the overtime rates would make it uneconomic.

kimbo88, Oct 15, 2:03am
I hear what you're saying RK, but I suppose different areas/cities have different levels of competitiveness to meet.The most I've ever paid for a WOF in Chch was $45, and that was only because the place I normally use wasn't open on that day, otherwise I wouldn't have gone there.I've never been knocked back unfairly on anything for them to "try and get some work" so to speak - I keep a jolly good eye on stuff myself between WOF's and generally attend to things before they need attending to.Equally, I've seen plenty of failures for legitimate reasons on other cars, so I'm very confident that they are doing the job correctly.As I understand it, they have to have a reasonable rate of failures anyway otherwise they draw attention to themselves if they have too greater pass rate as a matter of course.