Wow. You should be a detective. 'Cept you should learn to read first. - I clearly stated that I pull over to the left and let them pass.
I'm probably more aware of whats going on in front and behind me because I'm not in some constant state of anxiety trying to find the speed camera's up ahead and opportunities to blitz past someone while I do 15k's over the posted limit, worried that someone faster will come along and show me up for the retard that I am because I need to be the big man and "get the best economy" from my SuperCar Holden or WRC S1 WRX. Driving at 90 keeps the fuel costs down, gives me a chance to concentrate and keeps me calm.
When I go to the track, I keep the boot pressed down as far as it will go at all times. I lean into the wheel, grip with two hands and sweat pools in my helmet. I will pass anyone I can any time I can.
But when it comes to the safety of myself and others on a public road - 90k, left of centre, paying attention and taking my time.
In fact, you should apologise for being such a dipshit just posting that comment. I show more curtsey on the roads than just about anyone.
But no, you are right. I'm not going to stop and help some jacktard doing 130k's in a 20 year old munter mobile who comes off the road either. Fk 'em, Survival of the fittest and smartest. Only a total mouth breathing retard would think it was agreeable to be passing three cars in a row on a one way strip of State highway 1 with a car load of people.
keep the gene pool strong I say.
Jan 31, 8:17pm
start with yourself then
doing 130 is dangerous ! heres your tui
Jan 31, 8:20pm
wow, this thinking business seems too much for you - save the brain cells, just let the TV ads do it for you
Jan 31, 8:22pm
100 is already mind numbingly slow
i understand that some people are trying to eek out petrol, or prehaps dont feel completely confident behind the wheel. . . . . .
but if its ok to pass dont make us out as some kind of criminal because we overtake
Jan 31, 9:51pm
this sounds like a dangerous statement
Jan 31, 10:05pm
ok ill apolgize. im sorry your an arrogant twat who thinks everyone else is a retard. hopefully someone with your same mentality will not stop to help you after a crash and weed you out of the gene the meantime continue to think your better a better person than everyone else.
Jan 31, 10:19pm
At the end of the day speeding is a selfish pastime no matter what the reason for it or how good a driver you are.
Jan 31, 10:33pm
[citation needed]
Jan 31, 10:38pm
More like speed up to 130, pass the cars that are/would/going to drive slow or carry on following someone "driving slow but have speed up only to stop themselves being passed" and pullback in and slow down to 110.
I can to a point agree with the finger pointing tight lipped frowning party poopers that speeding is pointless and that you only get somewhere a few minutes earlier, but i would rather drive fast to drive comfortably without followingun confident drivers that brake for every little corner and speed up slow down speed up slow down speed up slow down speed up slow down. passing! passed. pull back in. constaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaant speed acheived. end of story
Jan 31, 10:38pm
More like speed up to 130, pass the cars that are/would/going to drive slow or carry on following someone "driving slow but have speed up only to stop themselves being passed" and pullback in and slow down to 110.
I can to a point agree with the finger pointing tight lipped frowning party poopers that speeding is pointless and that you only get somewhere a few minutes earlier, but i would rather drive fast to drive comfortably without followingun confident drivers that brake for every little corner and speed up slow down speed up slow down speed up slow down speed up slow down. passing! passed. pull back in. constaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaant speed acheived. end of story.
P.s i wouldnt be bothered much if i was an ordinary citizen driving 5km a year, but i do about 30km a year so I happily pass anyone driving under the necessary speed for the conditions.
Jan 31, 10:58pm
I was driving through Thames one day heading up the coast, and because the camera vans are so obvious i spotted it well ahead so i kept cruising along at 55, next thing ya know a big dirty old jeep comes roaring up behind me, so i sharply hit the brakes and pull over and let the guy blast past the camera van
Feb 1, 3:30pm
Your mug! Not sure what you're saying there. Rest of sentence doesn't make sense.
Feb 1, 3:35pm
Yup, did the same thing coming into Hamilton (from Cambridge) many years ago. I was well aware of the fixed camera at the top of the hill, and between Cambridge and Hamilton I had this clown in a van sitting on my date trying to be a smart ass, then trying to overtake on blind corners and such. I wasn't going slow either, so there's no issue there. Anyway, coming up the hill into Hamilton, it was double lanes, so I kept my speed right up as we climbed the hill. He decided at this point it was the perfect time to pull out and pass me. It was then a 70 km/h area, so I waited until I was within 50 metres of the camera, then hit the breaks and slowed to about 40 km/h. Sure enough he goes flying past doing over 100 km/h (he really was determined to pass me) and I see the orange FLASH. LOL.
Feb 1, 3:49pm
Why not indeed.
Feb 1, 5:24pm
smug : contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent.
maybe you shouldnt be criticizing other peoples english skills and if you do it would be a good idea to make sure your own sentence structure is correct. You should have written "THE rest of THE sentence doesn't make sense."
Nov 30, 1:52am
smug : contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent.
maybe you shouldnt be criticizing other peoples english skills.
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