And if not, why not! Passing cars often travel at 130 kph or more to get in front of anyone doing 100kph only to drop back to 100 at the end of the passing lane.
Jan 30, 12:32pm
While the car that has just been passed drops back to 70.
Jan 30, 1:54pm
what do u think OP!
Jan 30, 2:05pm
No. Using them at 'passing' lanes means the people will not use them to pass the idiots that dawdle along everywhere except when they reach a passing lane. Which only leaves the option of passing is less than ideal places. It's bad enough now with the cops haunting the passing lanes.
Jan 30, 2:06pm
but speeds up in the passing lane, thus forcing the overtaker to also speed up.
And don't forget the revenue collectors love to park at the end of passing lanes, for just such occasions.Certainly, in the Central North Island.
Jan 30, 2:08pm
I am all for any measure to get idiots off the road. People who pass at high speed just because they want to be five cars ahead of those passed, often find themselvesrestricted making progress because other vehicles occupy the road ahead. It's a stupid way to get to your destination (IF they are lucky enough to get there) by a few minutes earlier than if they had complied with the road code. How often do we see someone who has put other people at risk at the end of a passing lane by forcing a merge in their favour, sitting at a red light or railway crossing 50 kms further on! I doubt if they recognise their own stupidity. Taking risks on the road should be a NO NO for anyone who has half a brain anda minimal amount of common sense. However, even this, clearly,is too much to ask of some imbeciles.
Jan 30, 2:11pm
Ah, I see. You're one of those 'passing lane drag racers' - by far the biggest imbeciles of all.
Jan 30, 2:13pm
I should qualify my remarks by writing that I have nothing against people who pass slower traffic in passing lanes! It is what happens at the mergingend of those lanes which seem to be so extra ordinary dumb. Putting your foot down at high speedto get past that "last" car defies logic!
Jan 30, 2:15pm
That 'last car' is often the root source of the problem. The oblivious fool driving it at 80km/h until they hit the passing lane and accelerate to 110km/h because they suddenly feel safer with the wider road.
Jan 30, 2:15pm
In an ideal world where everybody stuck to the letter of the law & traveled at the posted speed limits on open straight road sections . Yea SURE Should make for an interesting TUI advert
Jan 30, 2:16pm
Like many people you assume without knowing me or the facts I travel about 25k per year right throughout the country. On the open road I drive at 110kph (which my GPS indicates at 104kph.) I have no needgoing faster because it doesn't get me anywhere much quicker!
Jan 30, 2:17pm
Gonna have to do better then THAT ;-)
Jan 30, 2:23pm
Complete fallacy. If you go slower does it not take longer! So why not drive at 25km/h and get there in the same time!
If I'm travelling at 110km/h how far will I go in an hour! If I travel at 100km/h how long will it take me to go the same distance!
Jan 30, 2:26pm
So what do you do when you come up behind somebody travelling at 90 and there is no passing lane for 10 km!
Jan 30, 2:27pm
I have an 88 - 2.4T Surf which is VERY capable of maintaining 100kph on most open road sections.
With the reputation that the older Surfs have for being slow & gutless. WHY is it that on the non straight roads (moderately steep hills/ gentle bends /curves to windy roads) I get held up & forced to slow down for slower CARS that are far more modern / powerful & with FAR better, superior handling then my old dieselHilux Surf . >>> And then they exceed teh posted speed limits on passing lanes & clear straight roads which stops me from passing them.
In reality, it costs me extra fuel because I often have to change down a gear or 2 because of how slow they are going.
All too often around town, I have to travel in 3rd gear behind other modern cars because the Surf HATES trying to drive at 40 / 45kph in 4th
Jan 30, 2:32pm
All things being equal in traffic/weather etc . Over a short distance trip. average of next to nothing Over a long trip . 30 min to 1 hr (approx) But then again, the slightly higher average speed can allow for rest stops & still arrive at the same time as the driver that had a slightly slower average speed but didn't have the time to stop & rest part way.
Jan 30, 2:33pm
I think most of the answers are above. If the traffic is very heavy, then you have to just grin and bear it.Passing someone who brakes for every little bend and who constantly has a build up behind them (the evil ones) should be done asap. I happily drive along with the flow of traffic, well spaced out, doing just over 100kph when the limit allows, where there is no need to overtake and a 4 hour journey will take just that. The 80kph mimsers turn everyone elses 4 hour trip into a 5 hour trip, and as the attention span or concentration span of many drivers is so low, that is when the problems occur. Tiredness is still one of the major causes of road accidents, so the less time we spend on a long journey the better. Accelerating past a mimser at 130kph for a couple of seconds before a known twisty stretch of road where you know damn well they are going to hold up the traffic for an hour or more, is the reason so many do it. If they don't do it safely, that is another issue altogether.
Jan 30, 2:36pm
To answer the OP's originalquestion of "SHOULD SPEEDCAMS BE USED AT PASSING LANES!" in an ideal world of fairness & integrity . NO
Neither that or the base of hills in /out or around town unless they are set for a higher tolerance accordingly.
Jan 30, 2:37pm
If the road ahead is clear I will overtake at 104kph, or I may decide to wait for the passing lane which will delay my journey by about 2 mins.
Jan 30, 2:38pm
maybe. if threshold is lifted to at least 10km (approx.) above speed limit
Jan 30, 2:42pm
Heres a giggle for you. On long trips (400km plus-ish) My son in his tidy 96 Ford laser (1600cc petrol, auto) can't keep up with me inmy tired 88 Hilux surf (2.4 turbo Diesel, manual) The Laser has a steady range of power available throughout it's rev range The Surf has usable power WITHIN the 2000 to 3000 rpm range
Those who understand will know the difference
Jan 30, 2:43pm
Discretionary limit is ALREADY 10kph on the open road (non holiday)
Jan 30, 2:43pm
Yep no worrys at all about that, but up to about 110kph
Jan 30, 2:46pm
they actuarly use speedcameras at passinglanes. from auckland to whangareiwhere the road is 80kph and it is a passing lane. So how is anyone going to use the passinglane without exeeding the speedlimit of 80kph as all and every whicle does 80kph. cops with speedcamera on other side to flash anyone using the passing lane.thats at least what i have seen them parked on the other side.
Jan 30, 2:48pm
Passing lanes show up bad drivers for what they are - bullies- they tailgate you at over 100kph just to make you move over so they can cut the vehicle they want to overtake off. Most passing lanes are way too short and that creates anger and road rage is the result - I have seen it many times and yes they should be camera'd and prosecuted to the full extent of the law as we have seen a number of deaths recently near Waikanae area. A lot of these drivers are in these macho type surfs etc.
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