vjregal770 wrote: Ages ago my cousin got nailed at 130 whilst overtaking. This was not on a passing lane, either. She only got to that speed to a) get past (duh) and b) get the the hell off the wrong side of the road as quickly and safely as possible. She had a clear run, but it should be obvious to suggest that NOT hitting the gas in order to complete an overtaking manoeuvre safely would be at best counter-intuitive and, at worst, suicidal.
Jan 31, 2:53am
You're really struggling with the quoting. It's really very simple. Even for a retard.
Jan 31, 2:57am
You should all learn to slow the fk down. So there's someone in front of you doing 90. Deal with it.
Jan 31, 2:59am
Nah. They can get some common god-damned courtesy and move over.
Jan 31, 2:59am
Nah. They can get some common god-damned courtesy and move over. We're not all incompetent.
Jan 31, 3:00am
The government love people like you (and kvarno).
Jan 31, 3:03am
Exactly. They certainly seem to have it sussed in places like the US and the UK. Flash your lights there on the motorway/interstate and they'll move. They just know what it means.
Flash you lights in li'l ol' hick-town NZ and it's suddenly WW3! Just not mentally developed enough to be on the road. Like kvano and foxdonut.
Just move when it's safe to and let the traffic flow. Why is that so damn hard to comprehend!
Jan 31, 3:11am
Yeah, they take it as a personal insult, completely unable to comprehend that it's them being inconsiderate pillocks, not those simply wishing to go about their daily business in a time efficient manner.
Jan 31, 3:27am
how could they be inconsiderate pillocks, they own the roads, they choose to drive on the roads they own on that particular day therefore everyone should drive behind them - and stay there, its the other drivers who are inconsiderate by expecting to be able to go about their daily business without interference by pillocks on the road in front of them common decency and consideration it for others to practice, those pillocks are such good drivers they need no guidance or rules or laws, it comes naturally to them, its the pillocks behind those pillocks that cause all the problems
Jan 31, 3:31am
Yes, how dare they not wish to travel at whatever speed I choose on any particular day! Those pillocks behind me!
Jan 31, 3:45am
Seriously, what's the big deal doing 90 instead of 100!
Or just waiting till there is plenty of road to pass!
Why insist on getting one car ahead in a passing lane!
You' all retards. When I drive I have an arm out the window, a smoke in my mouth and a CD playing. Driving is a relaxing experience. I enjoy it. I get where I'm going when I get there. I don't have anything to prove to some small dick munter who thinks their shitty 6 pot Holden or cheap used Subaru wagon is the fastest thing on the road.
Good on you for dreaming so small.
I just ease over to the left and wonder if I'll see them up the road pulled over by a cop or smashed into a tree and splayed across the bonnet of their car bleeding.
In either case I'll just toot my horn and cruise on.
Jan 31, 3:52am
the diff between 90 and 100, on my trip computer its about 4 lt per 100, on a 500 km trip thats 20 lts, thats about $45
thats what it used to cost to drive there, now thats what I can save while driving there, and get there a lot fresher ( mind you I tend to stop and take breaks a lot more now, less impatient as I've got older I never seem to have cars behind me trying to pass either, thats what the left side of the road is for, pull over, let them go, NOW, not in 4 km, as soon as they move in behind move over ( with exception of corners or blind spots of course)
Jan 31, 3:53am
You need to learn to draft.
You can save a 1/4 tank of gas just driving behind a truck.
Jan 31, 4:07am
Some people just need to learn patience.
Jan 31, 1:48pm
Seriously, what's the big deal about doing 100km/h instead of 90km/h! If you're in no hurry, do 100km/h and stop for cup of tea.
Jan 31, 1:48pm
But most need to learn consideration.
Jan 31, 2:22pm
You are wrongly assuming that the only reason for passing is to get there earlier.It ain't necessarily so.Ask anyone towing a trailer the effect of being stuck behind a mimser.It is bad enough being restricted to 90kph without beihg slowed further.My towing vehicle has a six speed auto gearbox and it doesn't slot into 6th until at least 80kph.If there is one thing I hate, it is being less economical than I could be because of the actions of others and that means I want to be in top gear whenever possible. The other point you should clearly understand is that the research done nearly 50 years ago, after Stirling Moss had his career ending F1 crash, showed quite clearly that one of the biggest dangers on the road was putting in any form of artificial speed limit, as the error rate of drivers rockets whether they are F1 drivers or Joe average. The mimser with a queue forming creates that artificial restriction and that means that drivers bunch and then make stupid decisions. In normal conditions, getting past these mobile chicanes means that you can then settle down to cruising at a reasonable speed and contrary to your comment about yet more slow traffic ahead, that isn't always the case. Many on here will be able to recall spells of 20kms or more with a whole bunch of traffic with good (safe) following distances driving (safely) at up to 110kph with no problems at all and in a more relaxed frame of mind but still concentrating.That is safe sensible driving, but it only takes just one mimser to cause heaps of problems for many.
Jan 31, 2:23pm
Tru that, both would fix a range of driving problems.
Jan 31, 2:33pm
AARRhhhhh that takes me back a few years
Jan 31, 4:03pm
Drive behind a taxi and you save hundreds of dollars!
Jan 31, 5:05pm
So let me interpret this.Your smug about not doing the speed limit and not caring about other motorists, you drive with 1 hand on the wheel, tailgate people and if you see an accident you wont stop.Sounds to me like your far more dangerous than a speeder.You realise not stopping at an accident is a far more serious charge than speeding do you not!
Jan 31, 5:07pm
Exactly. Whats the rush! Get up earlier, be more organised, dont leave it until the last minute. Just sort you self out and go with the flow.
Jan 31, 7:31pm
Why not do 5000MPH in that case.
Since it makes no difference.
Jan 31, 7:34pm
As others have pointed out, the real problem is consideration, something that never even enters the consciousness of some of the totally oblivious drivers out there.I dont drive all that fast, but always keep left and always keep an eagle eye on whats behind me, and if it looks like someone might want to get past I try and create an opportunity for them to do so ASAP.
Until the problem of oblivious/ stupid/ drunk/ stoned drivers is properly dealt to I really see no point in speed cameras on passing lanes - they may actually make the problem worse
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