The fallacy is that people who arehabitually speeding think, that once they have passed a car, the road ahead will be clear. In fact there is no such thing anymore as a clear road ahead. It will be still full of trucks, buses, trailers caravans and other traffic slowing them down anyway. Thus to think that time is gained by speeding is the fallacy. Unless you believe a few minutes gained is imprtant enough to risk other peoples' lives (never mind your own).
Jan 30, 2:51pm
Depends on the relationship between the offending vehicle & the posted speed limits AND road conditions
Jan 30, 2:53pm
yea i agree but not for speed but for bad driving the cameras should detect that rather then somone exeeding the speedlimit by 6kph
Jan 30, 2:55pm
gee 20+ yrs ago it was quite common for cars to be doing 120-140 most crashes are people who leave the road on thier own accord not at passing lanes
Jan 30, 3:18pm
I passed one yesterday sitting halfway along a passing lane. I'm glad it was there too. I had this crazy woman right up my rear in her BMW and as I pulled out to pass the truck I noticed the camera wagon in the distance. I'm sitting on 105 to pass the truck and she's right up my date. She would have been up my exhaust pipe if she could fit. As we pass the camera van, I see her in my rear vision mirror point it out to her passenger and suddenly she hits the brakes and slows right down! Disappeared off my tail real quick! I said to myself at the time "Yes lady, that's the reason I am doing 105 and not breaking my ass to get past".
Jan 30, 3:39pm
I'd rather have decent signage at the beginning of the passing lane, showing clearly how long the lane is, and at least two signs advising its imminent end, at, say, 150M and 300M from the end of the lane.
Engineering roads so that passing lanes DO NOT end within about 200M of a blind corner or rise would be a pretty good idea.
A few years ago a new road opened in the Hutt Valley.the notorious River road. They saved a bit of money by not having it multi-lane all the way through. The compromise was fairly frequent passing lanes. These lanes were staggered in such a way that each lane of opposite direction traffic ended, facing each other, about 200M apart. There were no signs advising when the lanes were about to end, aside from the sign at the merge point.
There were quite a few head-ons. The first time I drove on that road, I could see immediately what the problem was. Anyone who misjudged the pass (a lot of drivers seem to do this) was funneled directly into the path of head on traffic.
It took them about a year to realize and do something about it. Honestly, I think some of our road designers get their degrees from the same cereal packet that NZ drivers licenses come in.
Jan 30, 4:54pm
i 2nd your point. im talking about the car that goes 70 until the passing lane then floors it to 120 just so nobody can legall get past
Jan 30, 4:57pm
They don't even need to "floor it" to be a menace. Any speed increase by the vehicle being passed in this situation completely changes the game for those attempting to pass.
Jan 30, 6:19pm
when you eneter a passing lane the default lane is the left lane and you have to "change" into the right lane to pass.
BUT it should be that at the end of the passing lane the RIGHT HAND lane is the default right of way lane and the slow buggers have to merge into the rh lane.
Jan 30, 8:36pm
The same Police enforcement guide that deals with discretionary limits also has the following statement "When speed camera enforcement is taking place in the area of passing lanes, vehicles should not be targeted within 250 (two hundred and fifty) metres of the finish of any passing lane."
Does this mean that targeting the start of the passing lane isn't against policy!
Jan 30, 8:47pm
Perhaps speed measuring equipment might be better utilised on the inside of the two lanes to detect those who have accelerated from their previous dithering speed to 105 only to drop back down to 85 as soon as the passing lane ends.
Jan 30, 8:48pm
This of course says nothing of the dork with the laser gun who sits at the very end of the passing lane.
Jan 30, 9:13pm
Actually no. that's what they want you to believe. In the B.O.P its 5km/h all the time. Also. the 5km/h is actually only 1km/h when you take into account the accuracy of the Police radar.
Jan 30, 9:13pm
Actually no. that's what they want you to believe. In the B.O.P its 5km/h pretty much all the time. Also. the 5km/h is actually only 1km/h when you take into account the accuracy of the Police radar.
Jan 30, 11:18pm
Technically correct.
But I've counted many speed cameras on passing lanes. South of Maramarua there is often one.
Jan 30, 11:20pm
300M! Many would have that sign before they started!
Besides, most people have no idea how far 300M is and anyone who can't see a passing lane is finishing should have their drivers licence revoked on the grounds of poor eyesight or poor driving practice.
Jan 30, 11:31pm
well said.
Jan 30, 11:39pm
dont most cars show a higher reading though! so speedo says 110 but your only doing 106!
Jan 30, 11:43pm
Yes "most" do from the factory to have a margin of safe zone so to speak.
Jan 31, 12:18am
Only people in Aston Martins, 911s, Ferrari's or Bentley GT's should be allowed to drive fast.
Jan 31, 12:26am
was a time when that meant the camera's were not used in the lanes at all, the actual wording of that clause came about because revenue gatherers used to sit at the end of the lanes - often just over that rise of just around the corner that most passing lanes seem to end at - they did not scan the actual passing lane but got a few who had not managed to get back to 100 in time to exit the passing lane system ( usually the ones who had to exceed the limits to pass the fool who sped up too) in fact I used to think there was actually a law against camera's on passing lanes
Jan 31, 12:36am
I reckon they should have 'em after the passing lane- but they should also have a man 2 - 3 k's before the passing lane pulling over the 80km/h guy with the 25 car tailback.That way the other idiots don't have to try to beat the entire queue and end up in a head-on.
Merging left into right rather than vice versa seems like a good idea too.
Jan 31, 1:32am
That is exactly how passing lanes end in Australia, the default is the right lane and all left lane cars indicate to merge, that gives any late overtaker a very clear signal the lanes are ending, far better design than the lottery on NZ roads.
Jan 31, 2:23am
Ages ago my cousin got nailed at 130 whilst overtaking. This was not on a passing lane, either. She only got to that speed to a) get past (duh) and b) get the the hell off the wrong side of the road as quickly and safely as possible.
She had a clear run, but it should be obvious to suggest that NOT hitting the gas in order to complete an overtaking manoeuvre safely would be at best counter-intuitive and, at worst, suicidal.
Pinging people for speeding whilst overtaking is completely bullsh*t. It achieves nothing for "road safety". In fact, it makes the roads LESS safe as it fully vindicates, excuses and encourages those insufferable, obnoxious social retards who get a kick out of causing congestion and frustration by driving slower than the flow of traffic.
And this is what causes some to take a chance where they probably otherwise would not, which leads to people being killed.
Then again, maybe the cops enjoy sweeping up the aftermath of a head-on. Who knows! Pulling BS tax-grab stunts like that would suggest they do.
Jeremy Clarkson's right - speeding never killed anyone. It's the suddenly becoming stationary.
Jan 31, 2:45am
bcbuilding wrote: I reckon they should have 'em after the passing lane- but they should also have a man 2 - 3 k's before the passing lane pulling over the 80km/h guy with the 25 car tailback.That way the other idiots don't have to try to beat the entire queue and end up in a head-on.
Merging left into right rather than vice versa seems like a good idea too.
That last idea would be an unqualified disaster! You merge like a ZIP.if everybody would be clever and courteous enough to do that all problems at the end of a passing lane would disappear.
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