Wow, have honestly just had the worst customer service I have ever recieved in any industry in my 29 years on this planet.
Will copy and paste the customer feedback I have just given them as cant be bothered typing it all out again.
Region: Christchurch Store: CHRISTCHURCH - Blenheim Road Your Message (What I liked. ): Ummm, hard to find any positives at all. There was nothing to like at all.
Your Message (What I Didn't like. ): Where to start, first came into the store on Thursday 26th around 10am to order a couple of tyres for my car. Decided on the 3000A and asked them to order them for me, was told they should be in that afternoon, and will be called when they arrive.
No phone call.
Pop back in Friday morning, and told actually they dont have any they can get but offer to get the Eagle F1's in stead, I agree and am assured they will be in this afternoon and will ring me when they arrive.
No phone call.
Pop back in Monday the 31st in the morning and told they forgot to order them but will order them for today and should be in stock around 130pm and will ring me. 2pm rolls by so I make a phone call to ask if they arrived, am told the truck is being unloaded as we speak, and Blair who I had been dealing with will call me back in 5 minutes.
No Phone Call.
Tuesday morning, I finally get a call saying they are there and I can book my car in which I proceed to do (wishing I hadnt now). So I take my car in, ask them to replace the rears and also that I wanted my old tyres back as they are expensive near enough semi slick type tyre, one failed it WOF as it had excess wear on the inside, the other was in top condition with around 5-6mm of tread left on it. I go to pick my car up, and this is where the issues start.
The price I had originally been quoted has inflated, however manage to meet a compromise and am mildy happy but still frustrated. Next I go to my car, and see my old tyres arent there, so go back in and ask to grab them back. Now, only one of these tyres can be found, and lo and behold, has been spiked so it is no longer of any use to anyone, and the other tyre cannot be found anywhere. This is where I really get quite angry, as they were still in excellent condition to put on a car for track days at race circuits, and being semi slick tyres, are highly sort after and still valuable. Yet your tyre experts in all there wisdom have spiked one of them, and the other cant be found.
After hearing this, obviously I am very angry and frustrated by this, and all I am offered is a 'sorry', the technicians should of known better. This honestly has to be some of the worst customer service I have experienced in any supposedly reputable store, how your blenhiem road store is able to keep the name Beurepairs is beyond me, it takes them four days to get two tyres which were in stock in Christchurch, then they cant even follow instruction, or have the courtesy to ring me when they have said they would, and then to top it all off, ruin two perfectly good tyres that would still be worth around $80-100 each is almost laughable, its the kind of horror story you hear about from some dodgy back yard tyre shop, not a reputable name such as Beaurepairs. I should have gone with my gut and decided about using this shop, the lack of any type of professionalism is rediculous, the first day I turned up, there was a worker sitting at the desk with his feet up, and eyes closed. Obviosuly this reflects pretty poorly on Beurepairs as a whole, and I sure as heck will be telling anyone I know to steer clear. In an economy where you need to be looking after customers and trying to get people to spend there incomes with your shop, this is truely dissapointing service to say the least.
Jan 31, 12:51am
Your Message (What I would like. ): Perhaps getting your Blenhiem Rd store to actually listen to customers, and do what has been asked, also a lesson in ordering tyres and actually communicating with customers would also be beneficial. Also, when a customer wants his/her old tyres back, not putting a spike through them rendering them useless could also be great, as it means I now wouldnt be potentially a few hundred dollars out of pocket. Satisfaction Rating: 1 out of 10 Check this box if you consent to Beaurepaires contacting you to discuss your feedback: Yes
TLDR: Blenhiem Road Beaurepairs is run by muppets who cant order two tyres, and then proceeds to destroy customer property.
Jan 31, 12:55am
Did they have free coffee and a fancy waiting room!
Jan 31, 12:58am
I stopped going to Beaurepairs when they tried to convince me the 2 mins spent on the front of the car was all that was needed for a wheel alignment, and proceeded to tell me the rear is non adjustable because the computer said it was a live axle car, even though it was clearly IRS and I even pointed out the adjusting bolts with degree markers all over the suspension arms! What a joke indeed.
Jan 31, 12:59am
Jan 31, 12:59am
Heck, I never go to those main sort of brand places but it sure is a reminder why i don't bother. The neighbor across the road went to one in auckland and told him he needed2 new tyres because of a puncture in one tyre that was fixable.
Jan 31, 1:17am
I Never use Beaurepaires, I have dealt with Firestone for years and they suit me.Good tyres, good prices, and efficient service.
Jan 31, 1:48am
i went in to get a fleet cars flat tyre fixed. i wa sin a rush and needed it done NOW. they then proceeded to fit fit 4 new tyres and said it needed a wheel alignment .i said sure but not today you already wasted enough time.then i foud out that the muppets put the FLAT TYRE on as the spare.GRRRR (they had done this before i got irate.)
Jan 31, 2:05am
I would be writing a letter, not an email, to head office asking for a satisfactory resolution, if you specifically asked for the tyres to come back, and they "lost" or destroyed them, then they owe you two equivalent tyres, or refund to the value thereof.
If they declined, I'd be going to the DT for the principle of the matter, or at least informing them that I would be doing so if they didn't come through.
Jan 31, 2:23am
O/P - the disputes tribunal if they wont cough up. If they are sending out an account I wouldnt pay it until they sorted out the issue with money owed for tyres destroyed. dont take it lying down. They screwed up make em pay. Far to often people bitch and moan but wont do a thing about it. DT is a very simple process to follow.Why would you not go there!
Jan 31, 2:25am
Hell that is no suprise at all. I went to the Upper Hutt store litterally holding a fist full of cash to buy a set of wheels and tyres. They had the EXACT wheels (diameter, style, width and offset) on display yet I was told they had to order them. This was followed by a lengthy argument that I should buy 19" wheels for my Falcon as they were best for what I wanted. Now thats kinda interesting - I had already stated that rougher roads are part of my everyday usage and didnt want the added risk of exceptionally low profile tyres and or rims being damaged. I finally told the guy that if I had wanted 19" wheel I would have asked for them. So, order placed on a Friday morning to be fitted Saturday morning. Turn up, a set of 18" wheels just like I wanted. Cool. My joy soon changed when I realised the tyres they had ordered to match them were 19" not 18". Ended up telling them to get stuffed, went down the road, placed my order somewhere else and had everything fitted up on the Monday afternoon AND saved myself over $200.
Jan 31, 2:27am
Id call the cops and tell them theres been a stabbing and 1 has run off.
Well they stabbed your tyre and 1 of them has gone.
Jan 31, 2:27am
Thanks everyone, sounds like I'm not the only one who has had bad experiences with them. Will definitly look into the disputes tribunal if I dont get a satisfactory response from my initial contact.
Only thing I wonder is about proving the worth of used tyres!They are worth around $400 each new, but putting a price on used rubber is much harder.
Jan 31, 2:28am
lol, that put a smile on my angry face haha.
Jan 31, 2:30am
Yea id be spewing if that happened to me,jeez who can you trust to do a good job these days.
Jan 31, 2:36am
Trying to put a value on the tyres, what would be a normal new tyre tread depth, and what is the minimum at warrant, is 2.5mm!
Jan 31, 2:40am
It sure is.jiz makes ones pen ineffective ;)
Jan 31, 3:22am
sounds like the guy had a mate that wanted a tyre funnily enough just like your 'missing' one. Strange they can produce the spiked one but not the other!
Jan 31, 3:52am
I thought most tyre places are more than happy to give back your old tyres than way they don't have to pay for dumping.
Jan 31, 4:03am
the one that went missing "probably" got listed on TM! haha easy $20
Jan 31, 4:07am
The sad thing is bad customer service can be found through all industries and its real frustrating- Not car related but as my work is all out of town remote i get the mrs to run around getting stuff last December the friday before xmas I sent the mrs down to Guthrie B paints in Rotorua to get 30l house paint , and 10l undercoat so i could paint the house she was in there at 2 pmnot one person in that place got of there fat lazy ar#se to serve her -they were to busy waiting for the end of day being xmas why have the f$%ning door open ! ok she looks young probably thought she was a tire kicker no excuse. I got in at 4pm and we went up the road to Resene -straight away helped even though they were ready to close 800 bucks worth of paint all tinted job done- every one has a storyIt's good you complained o/p i normally don't but its getting to the point where crap service is just the norm in nz.
Jan 31, 4:11am
I went and got a price cause they are advertising 20% off retail at the moment,. but it only applies to the $400 + tyres. Oh but we can offer you second tier tyres at $300 each. Thanks but no thanks! Went to Firestone and they offered a great deal straight up on the AdrenalinRE002 tyre.
Jan 31, 4:12am
sold some used truck tyres to a guy dropped them of at beurepairs Hastings .Told them i would pick up the rims in a couple of days .Couple of days later went and asked only got stupid looks talked to the manager he said they went in the rubbish .Id say they went in the scrap and they drunk them.wont go there again
Jan 31, 5:15am
Cheap tyres, around 7 or 8mm, good quality tyres, around 9 to 10mm (roughly).
Jan 31, 5:17am
1.5 mm, but if you have snow tyres from Japan (and you must have all four, not just one or two) 4mm minimum.
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