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tonyrockyhorror, Feb 5, 3:35am
I would go so far as to say that he 'blow out' was unrelated to the alignment.

friendly_prawn, Feb 5, 3:57am
Star Service Centre in Gisborne. It was absoutely bizzare the way i was treated. Yep, it took 6 weeks to get my car back. When the accident occured, I rang them and asked them to come tow my car in to their workshop for repairs at the recommendation of a friend of mine who was also one of their customers.Then I rang the insurance co to sort out insurance. From the moment star service centre got hold of my car, they treated me as if had absolutely nothing to do with the car. Even after I explained, my car was in their shop at my request, not the insurance co's they still refused to acknowldge me. They refused to contact me to let me know what was happening. i was treated as if the car wasnt mine, but belonged to the insurance co. The got angry at me for pestering them for wanting my car back. It took a few weeks for me to figure out, that the insurance co was the one with clout. I got the insurnace co on to them to get it sorted. I think they were scared that they would lose future business from the insurance co so finally go their a in to g. All in all it took 6 weeks before I got my car back. I had another car so wasnt stuck for transport, but they didnt know that. An absolute total bunch of clowns. .

pup2, Feb 5, 9:47am
It happened, trust me. i was there and not amused. They looked at the km's recorded from the job compared to when the blow out happened. Very thin line on the inside of each front tyre. Tyres were in very good nick when blow out accrued. One word.Gutted

vjregal770, Feb 5, 10:45am
Beaurepaires is really like the McDonalds of tyres. The staff are paid jack-sh*t (I know, having worked for them in the past) and they actually use the metaphor for McDonalds by name in their "sales training" courses. I know because I've done those, too.

It's just a typical corporation run by pen-pushers who have never worked in a retail environment.

scarey65, Feb 5, 3:59pm
thats certainly true of most multinationals.
but the ones run by aussie.-

hatchback, Feb 5, 5:38pm
I was working next to Tonys tires in Upper Hutt awhile back and noticed a young mum pull up in her old Telstar wagon and ask about tires. The worker there went with her around the car a couple of time and then she and her child went away and left the car there. I walked past it a couple of hours later and they had fitted a set Firestone Firehawks to it. WRONG in every way, way too expensive for the purpose needed and the car doesnt have sport suspension.I will not deal with them after I saw that

r15, Feb 5, 6:35pm
As in firehawk tz100!Firestone's best suited model for a passenger car in no particular hurry!

vjregal770, Feb 5, 7:24pm
So you'd run from about 98% of businesses here, then!

vjregal770, Feb 5, 7:31pm
Sounds like she got fairly decent tyres on her car, especially as she has a child in tow. Smart woman, I say.
It also sounds like she'd end up with second hand shite if you were the "salesman".
Hell, maybe she actually OPTED for them. Some do that, y'know. But then, I've only been in the business 21 years.

And it's the first I've heard that "sports suspension" was a prerequisite for having directional tyres.

a.woodrow, Feb 5, 8:03pm
Oh man! I've got firehawks on my fairmont with factory suspension - should I go take them off and put linglongs on instead!

pebbles61, Feb 5, 8:33pm
Sounds like I won't be going to Buerepaires any time soon.on that note can anyone recommend a good place in Auckland for tyres and wheel alignments!

mugenb20b, Feb 5, 9:38pm
Nothing wrong with that. Never cheap out on tyres I say, you'll lose every time.

jono450, Feb 6, 2:51am
i just brought a set of AT3"sfrom br and am happy with the servce they jumped in there ute went over the other side of town to pick them up i was gone in 40 miniutes that included a wheel alignment 275/65/17 $1380 all up

carkitter, Dec 13, 3:07pm
I also worked for Beaurepaires For Tyres in the early nineties as my first job. The staff when I arrived were terrible but they moved on and we gained a good team which won back lost customers and became the #1 retail store in the BFT chain in Auckland. At that time the tyre fitters were also encouraged to sell product to customers so at the age of 19 I was approaching customers, assessing their needs, fitting and balancing the tyres, and contacting lease companies, in a store in Newmarket of all places. When it was quiet I would clean the store, when that was done I would read all the monthly memos from head office on promotions and sales techniques. When that was done I would read all the product catalogues and memorise the plus 1, plus 2, plus 3 fitment guides. I would also pick the brains of the Dunlop warranty guy when he visited.

Eventually, they sent me on a training course and there wasn't anything new there to teach me. The tutor told me to stop being the only one answering the questions.

The point is, you can learn a lot at Beaurepaires if you want to. Like how to spell Beaurepaires for a start.