Anyone know how much to sell a car as parts

terry6000, Feb 5, 8:14pm
Anyone know how much to sell a car as parts

toyboy3, Feb 5, 8:16pm
A blue car !

terry6000, Feb 5, 8:19pm
lol just wanted to sell a car as parts,would it still cost 30 dollars

andrea_w, Feb 5, 8:26pm
Start an auction - "wrecking XX car" and offer a part that will most likely not sell to keep it a valid "auction".
State "all parts available", people will list what they want and you just start a separate auction for that part.
.or something to that effect.

terry6000, Feb 5, 8:35pm
Ok cheers

toyboy3, Feb 5, 10:27pm
nobody wants a cavalier

male_timaru, Feb 6, 5:30am
$1 no reserve tell them what is wrong with it - if it needs towing or can be driven - what needs replacing - what it would need for a WOF and REGO etc etc

s.patete, Feb 6, 11:54pm
Sell it in car parts not in the car section, and as above $1 reserve.