Expired auction Listing #: 458382697 for example

gman35, Mar 27, 2:57am
I hear you guys talk about many $1 reserve auctions being pulled early ,obviously when not close enough to $$$ wanted , (by the way I can't beleive this wasn't past at least 13k by 12pm !) , but do TM keep an eye on $1 auctions and how many do not seem to make the closing time ! As I reckon seemingly "having the nuts" to list as such then just pulling is a pretty low thing to do.

cowboy110, Mar 27, 3:14am
Trademe don't care.They got their $39 listing fee.Whatever happens after that is just complaints about $1 auctions being pulled early and those complaints fall on deaf ears.

dolsen, Mar 27, 3:36pm
Not sure what time that was going to close if not withdrawn, however, the price normally goes up at the end of the auction. If you don't wait until the very end, you may be stopping someone coming in and driving up the price.

If you make a commitment to do a $1 reserve auction, you should go through with it, not withdraw it before the end. Very annoying to the people who bid on it.

h2oldragon, Mar 27, 3:40pm
Trade me don't care but they could make a mint if the EARLYwithdrawel fee was higher than the normal fee at close of auction.