Auckland protest against state asset sales

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d2, Apr 24, 4:52am
Saturday, 28 April 2012
3:00pm until 6:00pm
Britomart, downtown Auckland

willz29, Apr 24, 4:55am
Good luck with that. I'm sure it will make a difference. ( Note my sarcasm )

pge, Apr 24, 4:56am
This is not a motoring-related subject.

Please refrain from posting o/t.


Also, who gives a flying f.!

bigfatmat1, Apr 24, 5:04am

d2, Apr 24, 5:11am
The Nats backed down after the anti coal mining protests.There is a chance that the Nats could back down with this.All it would take is either one or more courageous Nats with electorate seats to stand against the sales, or Peter Dunne who said that ???in principle??

d2, Apr 24, 5:14am
It is related to motoring.Consider it a notification not to drive on Queen Street during that time.

bigfatmat1, Apr 24, 5:19am
as above who cares it does not have wheels or a motor

pge, Apr 24, 5:30am
1)There ain't gunna be enough there to make the slightest difference to the traffic.

2) IF there are, they'll make tempting targets.

rkauto, Apr 24, 6:02am
who cares.

whqqsh, Apr 24, 6:13am
not protesting against selling MY car/asset are we!. then not motoring, go back to Opinion & Politics thanks

tshop, Apr 24, 6:22am
Maybe D2 needs a lift into town.

geedubu, Apr 24, 6:44am
This is spam, these wretches are dumping this everywhere

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 24, 6:52am
There are no assets being sold anyway.

d2, Apr 24, 6:58pm
Yes there are.

bellky, Apr 24, 7:03pm
I like Labour, the Greens and Hone Harawera.

National, Banksie, Dunny, and the misnamed Maori 'Party' are sending the country down the gurgler.

Wake up.

gammelvind, Apr 24, 7:07pm
Which are up for sale at the moment! I might want to buy some part of them.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 24, 7:18pm
No, there aren't.

willz29, Apr 24, 7:29pm
look up the definition of " Partial "

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 24, 7:31pm
Exactly. The media is just as bad. Floating a non-controlling share is not the same as selling.

bellky, Apr 24, 7:38pm
Haha suckers. Wait untill a whole lot of non-voting shares are issued, and then see who's votes 'count'. We'll all be paying more before very long if this goes ahead. You get the standard of living you deserve. I'm just glad I don't have children.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 24, 7:43pm

Explain how a 49% shareholder can override the sole 51% majority shareholder.

ozz1, Apr 24, 7:47pm
im glad you dont have kids either:)

monaro_xxx, Apr 24, 7:49pm
its not motoring.but NZ needs to belong to NZ.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 24, 7:50pm
You need to save your pennies and buy a share then. Put your money where your mouth is.

v8_mopar, Apr 24, 7:52pm
To have 51% does not give you full control!

If you own 49% of a car do you not have a say in it!

To stop miner stake holders having a say you would need about 73%

Key is a con!