Auckland protest against state asset sales

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loose.unit8, Apr 24, 7:58pm
Surely the 51% can always overrule the 49%

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 24, 8:00pm
What rubbish. You need only >50% to control it.

v8_mopar, Apr 24, 8:04pm
no not at all its a myth.

A majority vote by 1% is not enough to make change. A miner party there to make money has the ability to generate higher prices. If they could not then why buy in to a government run company that can run at 0% profit

v8_mopar, Apr 24, 8:04pm
not true

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 24, 8:07pm
No, only if the company constitution or bylaw requires a greater than mere majority of voting shares to make a change does the situation you are claiming exist. That is simply not the case - the government will be retaining the controlling share as they have stated since before the last election. So clearly there is no such requirement in the company documents.

v8_mopar, Apr 24, 8:11pm
The government is keeping 51% to make it look like they are not selling out and lose votes for it. At the end of the day they will be the biggest owner but they dont have the control like you think.

Wait for the power price to go up then tell me we have full control

bellky, Apr 24, 8:12pm
What a laugh. 10% will get you a Director on the Board in some corporations. 20% is considered 'significant influence' and carries with it the opportunity to appoint multiple Directors. Wake up.

bellky, Apr 24, 8:15pm
Directors are the Governance of Corporations!

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 24, 8:22pm
You believe whatever left wing propaganda you like, as you clearly do, but you're still wrong. Control will remain entirely in the hands of the Government of the day through their >50% voting shareholding.

elect70, Apr 24, 8:23pm
Us motoringpeople have better things to dothan go waving banners down qeen street. Leave that to rent a mob

bwg11, Apr 24, 8:27pm
Yep, you can guarantee Bradford, Minto, Norman and all the other left leaning discontents will be there.

v8_mopar, Apr 24, 8:28pm
egg on your face. Dont start crying once you learn the truth

bellky, Apr 24, 8:31pm
YOU are wrong. You do not know what you are talking about.

I used to be Right Wing to the bone. However over the last 15 or so years I have spent a lot of time with mature wealthy people, travelled overseas, and acquired a First Class Honours Degree in Accounting. I can assure you I am now a Lefty to the bone.

Wake up.

ninja_man, Apr 24, 8:40pm
no, tony is ALWAYS right, never wrong. sheeze

xpfairmont, Apr 24, 8:51pm
that's what the naive think

hutchk, Apr 24, 8:53pm
A party of miners! What do miners have to do with this!

socram, Apr 24, 10:08pm
I was wondering that too.Take the thread to opinion and politics - please.

bellky, Apr 24, 10:11pm
Miners, monors, whatever. We knew what you meant.