Dilema, looking at dumping an old parts car

whqqsh, Apr 28, 8:31pm
I Bought an old Borgward Goliath for parts, got the bits off I need & anything left I already have spares of or are rebuildable anyway. Now what to do, I hate it when ppl dump parts of cars that are (or will be) sought after, however Im running out of room & how long do you hang on to such things. The car is rare enough that theres not a big market BUT if someone does want bits theyll be impossible to find elsewhere. Also the time & effort to pull parts that I dont really need but will trip over forever afterwards

vjregal770, Apr 28, 8:32pm
Just put it at $1 reserve, take as lot only.

a.woodrow, Apr 28, 8:36pm
$1 reserve

nathanmac, Apr 28, 8:56pm
Donate to a Vintage Car Club! If they're interested!At least if they don't do much with it and dump it, your conscience is clear.

kaymay88, Apr 28, 9:35pm
it would cost you to dump it, throw it up in parts at $1 reserve for the whole lot.
good on you for trying to preserve parts for others.

trogedon, Apr 28, 10:58pm
Yeah, it would be sad to dump it. $1 reserve and hopefully what's left will go to a good(ish) home.

movnon, Apr 28, 11:50pm
What!theres still a Dorkwart around!Haven't seen one for about 40 years!the scrappies will pick it up & probably pay you.

trogedon, Apr 29, 12:10am
It would be great if you had something constructive to add.

whqqsh, Apr 29, 12:54am
yup, one just posted on here, #7 I believe

corky, Apr 29, 1:03am
Don't be such a niggard, give it to the neighbours.

movnon, Apr 29, 2:55am
what ! the scrappies advertise to pay for old wrecks in the waikato!

whqqsh, Apr 29, 3:22am
lucky weve got it behind a high fence, dont think theyd be too impressed by a rusty wreck in view on our lawn let alone on theirs. BTW it was a wind up thread, some still havent got the niggard thing right eventhough its been translated several times