Searching for old auction/classified

thunderbolt, Apr 2, 4:06am
Evening All,
Several months ago there was a purple 65 Thunderbird Landau listed on Trade me for sale.
It was relisted several times but I dont think it ever sold.
Vehicle was located in wellington somewhere.
Can anyone suggest how I could find that old advert or does anyone know the car and owner concerned!

thunderbolt, Apr 2, 4:16am
Freaking Legend JG!
Been searching through my email archive for over an hour trying to find that info.

jasongroves, Apr 2, 4:19am
65 Thunderbird Landau Trade Me.sometimes you will get lucky and find a cached result which will still have photos etc.
Classifieds are a bit harder, but auctions are usually pretty easy.

thunderbolt, Apr 2, 4:27am
Did just that actually, but without the trade me bit.

Thanks again