Why do people who are selling car parts

studio1, May 25, 6:06am
seem disinterested in replying to questions on their auctions!
Even those which specifically state "Ask for the part you need and we'll give you a price or set up an auction".
I've asked a number of questions for various common parts - headlights, tail lights etc on different auctions and had not ONE reply to any of them. Are these people not interested in selling things! If not, why list the vehicle or the fact they're parting it out in the first place!
The photos clearly show that the various parts I've asked for are present on the vehicle, and the questions have been there now for a few days - more than enough time to log in and answer them.

faa_luke, May 25, 7:07am
Just think. how long will it take them to complete the trade if it takes days to get an answer, if you get one at all. I'd just go elsewhere if possible.

studio1, May 25, 6:25pm
Yes, there is that too.

I've asked questions of the same traders in the past, and to this day not received answers. I've asked questions of different traders and also not got any replies. Heck folks, if you are that disinterested in selling parts of your cars, ring the broken car collection company and get them to take it away - and stop wasting everyone's time.

eagles9999, May 25, 7:35pm
Well I have had instant responses from Nissan wreckerNiscars in Lower Hutt in the past.I guess most wreckers get tired of replying with no further response

hatchback, May 25, 8:37pm
And then when you get a reply they want wreckers prices for parts. Im trying to get a headlight for a VP commie and get offers of around $80 at my door.I want $40 at my door

shaun16, May 25, 10:10pm
sometimes its better to go to the wreckers as they can even be cheaper or very similar to trademe prices. at least with a wreckers youre more likely to get a bit of a warranty/guarantee/comeback as well.

bellky, May 25, 10:34pm
Yip this^. Who can be bothered dealing with drongoes unless the part is unique and unobtainable elsewhere.

elliehen, May 25, 10:38pm
Maybe some of the parts fell off the backs of trucks ;)

curlcrown, May 25, 10:40pm
Are you talking about private seller or wreckers. I usualy find private sellers to hard to deal with because they take to long.

mopar63, May 25, 11:01pm
yep I just bought some parts of a private seller,anoying one way communication, 2 word answers at best and when the part never showed up seemed to loose contact and wouldn't answer any more questions.