Parts store open on public holidays

ryans, Jun 3, 5:23am
Today I discovered my Legacy has a pin hole in the upper radiator hose, so I need to replace it.
Repco don't have any hoses for my Legacy in any stores, apparently, Supercheap don't carry them in store, does anyone know another part store, open on a holiday that is worth checking!
I'm in the North Shore in Auckland.

morrisman1, Jun 3, 5:29am
got any SMP sealant/adhesive! That might get you through. Other option available on some cars would be to run the system without pressure, ie down twist down the radiator cap. Some cars may not like this technique though. As long as its not designed to run hot, and you have anti freeze in it then I cant see the issue

ryans, Jun 3, 5:53am
I just went out to check how much fluid I lost, maybe 250ml, although after bleeding that might increase a bit, so I might be OK to drive to work on Tuesday, top up at lunch and drive to Winger, or wherever and get the hose, top up after work and drive home, then change it on Wednesday morning before work. It looks like that might be what I have to do.

murph2068594, Jun 3, 6:20am

safteystv, Jun 3, 7:59am
if you lucky find some wierd stuff in servos call radiator repair tape hoses looks like duck tape/ race tape . mate used on a diesel lasted over 3 months, wierd as cause you just tape round the out side of the hose

safteystv, Jun 3, 8:12am

safteystv, Jun 3, 8:21am
480007262 trade me

andy61, Jun 3, 4:18pm
A mate just did his Legacy top radiator hose,got his from supercheap,wasnt a subaru hose but a Honda hose,same size,similar shape etc.The guys at supercheap let him go thru their range of hoses .His car all up and running again(and at first he thought it was head gasket,hes a happy chappy)

tmenz, Jun 3, 4:24pm
Have you tried Partmaster!

ryans, Jun 3, 8:43pm
Thanks for the replies.
I tried the tape, it didn't work, so I'll get the correct hose on Tuesday (assuming Winger has them in stock, if not, I'll try for the Honda hose) and fit it on Wednesday morning.

hijacka, Jun 3, 8:45pm
Turbo or non turbo!

juddy1, Jun 3, 9:07pm
wingers be expensive mate.look at similiar hoses,repcos may have one in .

ryans, Jun 4, 2:22am
I decided to try another hose, I found one for a Ford, it was very close, but on fitting it was just slightly too close to my pulley.
I bought some duct tape while I was out and gave the old hose a thorough wrapping with that, easy with the hose off the car and the leak seems to be gone.
So this should buy me time to buy the new hose and fit before work on Wednesday, if I had a length of pipe I would have cut the new hose and extended it and used that.