New to Auckland help

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buyme3, Jul 9, 7:16pm
Daughter is in starship hospital and have moved into Ronald mc Donald house to be a family from Christchurch. Have a vt Commodore to run around in but the heater blower fan not workin. Probably fuse hopefully an front v belt needs replacin. Lookin bit cracked. But don't have my tools an understandabl money bit tight. Anyone know a local reasonable garage or home guy. Such simple jobs but at the moment too big for me.not lookin for charity but don't wana pay 90dollars an hour either.

twink19, Jul 9, 7:37pm
belt should only take about 10min to do and cost $30, can give you a work shop, but dont think we are allowed to say it on here,
if I was in town I would do it for you

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 8:12pm
Does the heater fan not work at all or only work on HIGH! If the latter, fan resistor pack, in behind the glovebox. Otherwise, probably the fuse which you don't really need any tools aside from eyeballs to check for.

Accessory belt is simple. Segedin's on Dominion Road in Mt Eden will almst certainly have them in stock.

buyme3, Jul 9, 8:54pm
Yea one of those hard jobs as in hospital all day. Don't have time to do myself. An fan not working on any setting. Makes clearin window in mornin difficult lol

rz_zone, Jul 10, 12:07am
Try the Holden Forums.

gmphil, Jul 10, 12:34am
If u flown fron chch to aucks in your child starship surly cant get to much trouble for helping lol check my uc listing gve me a holla

buyme3, Jul 12, 7:44pm
Thank you so much gmphil! Belt fixed an car reliable again. Anyon have idea which fuse or what problem is with heater fan not working!

newtec1, Jul 13, 12:53am
More importantly,how is your daughter.!

fordkiwi27, Jul 13, 1:58am
you are a nasty piece of work

buyme3, Jul 13, 2:21am
My daughter is still in ICU where she has been for over a month fightin every day. Waiting for a liver and kidney transplant. GmPhil is someone we could all aspire to be like.

newtec1, Jul 13, 5:03am
Best wishes for your daughter and i hope she gets what she needs for a healthy life. I have worked in hospital and know the dedication involved, and presume you are getting the very best available The hardest part would be getting around Auckland and staying sane,i hope the Jaffa's are looking after you.

sr2, Jul 13, 5:07am
+1, some people make you feel embarrassed to be part of the human race.

ralphdog1, Jul 13, 5:19am
You are truly a low life.

buyme3, Jul 13, 5:28am
Thanks for support guys much appreciated. A lot me people have made things easier than could be but stil wouldn't wish it on anybody. Even those who say thoughtless things. Just nice drivin somethin hopefully reliable. Be nice to sort fan to clear the fog inside lol

hornnett, Jul 13, 5:43am
gosh you guys are so easy sucked in,no proof at all but hey I read it here so its true.
The give away is they mention a tragedy then ask for advice[help me fix this for free]no wonder kiwis get scammed by people overseas,

buyme3, Jul 13, 5:54am
Mate ask the reasonable person who helped me where if did job. In carpark under Ronald mc Donald house. Where my wife has lived since Feb last year and I have now moved as well. But hey up to you

buyme3, Jul 13, 6:04am
Mate you wouldn't have a clue. Not sinkin to your level. Thanks to others. Night

outbidyou2, Jul 13, 6:51am
a truly sad case there hornet, what go around come around man

tgray, Jul 13, 4:05pm
Hard to believe there's people out there that can be so cold hearted.
You need to take a good look at yourself.

hornnett, Jul 13, 4:15pm
Ok so what are you going to do to help him then!Yea as usual everybody jumps in without wanting to actually do anything themselves.Come on all you bleeding hearts send the guy some indignant from the safety of the key board.

snoopy221, Jul 13, 4:19pm
Recent reading in this forum has shown there are posters that tend to !wind others up!-Usualy one takes that as ya do-casual internet humor.

However to every rule there is an exception-

As to why you have been a member here for 2 years and bought/sold nothing-well your posts clearly show why.

fordkiwi27, Jul 13, 5:03pm
thanks bro.cheers for the plug.

hornnett, Jul 13, 5:20pm
And this message was brought to you all the way from banjo country. I can actually read what you wrote how long have you been dry now!and good on you,

snoopy221, Jul 13, 5:22pm
Meh dat da best ya can do!
I'll pop back in a week or 2 just ta check.

fordkiwi27, Jul 13, 10:33pm
a lot of posts deleted!